No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 3-4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Obi stay in England?
(a) A little under six years.
(b) A little under seven years.
(c) A little under three years.
(d) A little under four years.

2. Who is the judge at the trial of Obi Okonkwo as the novel opens?
(a) Christopher Josephs.
(b) Isaac Galloway.
(c) Justice William Galloway.
(d) Sam Okoli.

3. Why is Obi's description of the streets and market in the Lagos slum ironic?
(a) It is the same life to which Obi must return after being educated.
(b) It is a far cry from the sweet Nigeria about which he writes a nostalgic poem in England.
(c) It has not changed in all the years Obi has been away.
(d) It is nothing like his life in England.

4. For which island is the boat heading when Jones recites, "Water, water everywhere; but not a drop to drink"?
(a) Madeira.
(b) Lagos.
(c) Accra.
(d) Cameroon.

5. Why does Clara imply that Obi should not complain when he complains about seeing "good movies?"
(a) She does not complain when he demands traditional African food which she does not care for.
(b) She does not complain when he drags her off to tennis which she hates.
(c) She does not complain about listening to Obi read poetry or about them going to lunch with Christopher whom she dislikes.
(d) She does not complain when he drags her to see war movies.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the Vice-President, who "eats" most bribes in Nigeria?

2. Where in Lagos does Joseph live?

3. From which university has Christopher received his degree?

4. Where does the boat anchor to allow the passengers to watch boys diving for coins?

5. What is Obi warned about at his farewell prayer meeting?

(see the answer key)

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