No Longer at Ease Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 15-16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reminds Obi of his first day at school when he shows up at work on his first day in the civil service?
(a) How Mr. Jones, the feared Inspector of Schools, reamed out Headmaster Simeon Nduka in English.
(b) How the headmaster Mr. Jones insulted Mr. Nduka.
(c) How Mr. Nduka, the headmaster, reamed out the senior students in the hall.
(d) How his headmaster Mr. Nduka reamed out Mr. Jones in front of the class.

2. What references are made to suggest that the UPU leaders are very aware of the prevalence of bribery in government circles?
(a) The Chairman and Vice-President debate whether someone who knows book like Obi needs to "see" men.
(b) They state that someone with Obi's qualifications should be able to sidestep the bribery route.
(c) They talk openly about the importance of Obi making the rounds at the permanent secretaries' offices.
(d) They suggest that Obi should lose no time in making the right connections.

3. How is it made clear that the matter is not over after Obi resists Mr. Mark's offer of a bribe?
(a) Mr. Mark's father turns up at the office later the same afternoon.
(b) Mr. Mark calls the office and threatens Obi.
(c) Elsie, Mr. Mark's sister, turns up at the office later the same afternoon.
(d) Elsie, Mr. Mark's sister, visits Obi at home.

4. What is Clara's response when she hears of Elsie's role in trying to secure a scholarship?
(a) Clara believes offering money is better than offering one's body and laughs.
(b) Clara warns Obi about getting himself into trouble.
(c) Clara is angry that Obi allowed Miss Mark to come in.
(d) Clara is angry that Miss Mark came to Obi's house.

5. What bothers Obi when he sees his parents when he goes home?
(a) Their poverty and disappointment in him.
(b) Their poverty and age.
(c) Their illness and age.
(d) Their frail health and their poverty.

Short Answer Questions

1. By using the expression "Augean stable", what literary device is the author using?

2. What complaint does Obi make to Joseph about treatment he receives from the police when he goes out driving with Clara?

3. According to the Vice-President, who "eats" most bribes in Nigeria?

4. What new expense does Obi assume when he gets his new car that suggests another symbol of his status?

5. Which two people arrive as Obi and Joseph sit in the lounge at the restaurant in Chapter 4?

(see the answer key)

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