No Longer at Ease Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9-11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Despite coming to like Christopher, what does Clara fear about him?
(a) That Obi will waste his money entertaining Christopher.
(b) That his careless spending will rub off on Obi.
(c) That Chrisopher will dissuade Obi from marrying her.
(d) That his womanizing will rub off on Obi.

2. What does Obi do while awaiting the results of his interview?
(a) He goes to the Cameroon village for a short visit.
(b) He goes home to Umuofia for a short visit.
(c) He goes to Clara's village for a short visit with her parents.
(d) He goes back to Obiajulu for a short visit.

3. What happens when Obi goes for his job interview with the Public Services Commission?
(a) Obi impresses the panel and they offer him a job imediately.
(b) Obi ridicules a panelist who falls asleep.
(c) Obi talks about modern poetry and novels.
(d) Obi is bored and disinterested.

4. What causes Obi to storm out of the December UPU meeting in anger, intending not to return?
(a) The revelation that Obi has already been living above his means.
(b) The President's reference to rumors about Obi's plans to marry a girl of "doubtful ancestry."
(c) The comments of the elders about Obi's arrogance.
(d) The President's refusal to approve Obi's request for a grace period.

5. For which island is the boat heading when Jones recites, "Water, water everywhere; but not a drop to drink"?
(a) Cameroon.
(b) Accra.
(c) Madeira.
(d) Lagos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What old nickname of Obi's is revealed while Obi and Joseph are recalling old times?

2. What moves Obi even though he has little religion left while on the boat looking out to sea?

3. How do Obi and Joseph plan to make a special entrance that will show off Obi's new car at the December meeting of the UPU?

4. On what assumption does Mr. Green find it necessary to warn Obi about paying his car insurance?

5. What does the author reveal about a special aspect of Nigerian culture, when the two couples go out on a date?

(see the answer key)

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