No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies Test | Final Test - Easy

Naomi Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies Test | Final Test - Easy

Naomi Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Culture ____________ is a process in which billboard ads are altered or destroyed in order to convey a different message.
(a) Messages.
(b) Jamming.
(c) Hurting.
(d) Talking.

2. __________, at the time of the printing of the book, had its own culture jamming site on the Internet, filed under 'alternative.'
(a) Google.
(b) AOL.
(c) TNT.
(d) Yahoo!.

3. ________ refused at one point to inform consumers of what foods were the product of genetic engineering, and still do to this day.
(a) Monsanto.
(b) Amy's.
(c) Trader Joe's.
(d) Whole Foods.

4. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company _________ was the defining incident of the first anti-sweatshop movement in the United States.
(a) Protest.
(b) Fire.
(c) Takedown.
(d) Raid.

5. Which company actually approached Ralph Nader in order to get him to do a corporate spot in its ad campaign?
(a) Reebok.
(b) Nike.
(c) Adbusters.
(d) Greenpeace.

6. Reverend Butts began his adbusting by __________ billboards in order to remove them from sight.
(a) Whitewashing.
(b) Burning.
(c) Protesting.
(d) Breaking down.

7. Attempts by employees in third world countries to unionize are hampered by high _________ and the threat to close the facility.
(a) Temperatures.
(b) Punishments.
(c) Turnover.
(d) Prices.

8. ___________ was ready to attack the movement in advertising, but then began an advertisement for anti-advertising.
(a) MTV.
(b) ABC.
(c) Adbusters.
(d) CNN.

9. The contemporary definitions of female ________ make those who witness these images begin to feel insecure and inadequate.
(a) Aggression.
(b) Beauty.
(c) Power.
(d) Knowledge.

10. By changing the ad message, the __________ behind the company who originally made the advertisement can be exposed.
(a) Intention.
(b) Truth.
(c) Cost.
(d) Money.

11. Those against corporations have been joined by those who are fighting for the ___________ as many of the issues are the same.
(a) Sweatshops.
(b) Environment.
(c) Temporary staffing agencies.
(d) Big box stores.

12. Thus, ____________ will be hooked up to an IV in the new billboards, showing the troubles with smoking.
(a) Marlboro Man.
(b) Newport smokers.
(c) Joe Camel.
(d) Capri Candi.

13. The new economy now includes a large number of permanent _________ and executives who earn large salaries and get stock options.
(a) Factory foreman.
(b) Managers.
(c) Employees.
(d) Workers.

14. In order to promote a brand, a company needs to purchase both physical and air ____________ for these products.
(a) Space.
(b) Messages.
(c) Billboards.
(d) Shelving.

15. _________ are made in factories, brands are what consumers buy, according to companies today.
(a) Junk products.
(b) Brands.
(c) Products.
(d) Messages.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose images began to educate people about the terrors which were being found in sweatshops across the world?

2. __________ bonuses are paid when the new executive comes on board, then the house cleaning of other workers begins to pay for this new management member.

3. ____________ is also beginning to treat multinational corporations as major players in the denial of human rights worldwide.

4. Students on many college campuses are beginning to question the ________ arrangements as well as the partnerships in the universities.

5. The ________ was a court case in 1994, which continued on for many years, discussing the right for Steel and Morris to create pamphlets against McDonald's.

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