No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Naomi Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Naomi Klein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once hotels, villages, restaurants, and entire towns are included in a corporation's plans, it can cause a branded __________.
(a) Company.
(b) Prison.
(c) Name.
(d) Loop.

2. According to the book, _________ is something which is becoming less and less of a reality in the world of capitalism.
(a) Savings.
(b) Diversity.
(c) Peace.
(d) Competition.

3. Corporations want to make brands less of a connection to a retailer and more of a __________ choice.
(a) Shopping.
(b) Automatic.
(c) Lifestyle.
(d) Family.

4. Markets that respond to the tyranny of size have always had a tendency toward __________.
(a) Monopoly.
(b) Illegal activities.
(c) Low prices.
(d) Buyouts.

5. Co-branding is seen as a win-win situation since the product and the _________ are both promoted at the same time.
(a) Melody.
(b) Celebrity.
(c) Activism.
(d) Message.

6. Who, when faced with less money, allowed these companies to use their brands in order to gain more money for certain events?
(a) Businesses.
(b) Government.
(c) Factories.
(d) Schools.

7. In 1998, ________ tried to air a show on the safety issues at theme parks, but Disney, its parent company, killed it.
(a) ABC.
(b) NBC.
(c) TNT.
(d) CBS.

8. ________ culture began in the ghettos, but then incorporated Nike and Hilfiger into the social climate over time.
(a) Hip hop.
(b) Prep.
(c) Urban.
(d) Jazz.

9. The world of __________ looked dingy by comparison, according to the author when she went to Disneyland as a child.
(a) Reality.
(b) TV.
(c) Books.
(d) Disney.

10. ________ can control what and how news is reported since advertising dollars are how new stations continue to run.
(a) Soda companies.
(b) Corporations.
(c) Governments.
(d) Schools.

11. As the media begins to focus more on global markets, stations try to avoid __________ other governments with critical coverage.
(a) Destroying.
(b) Identifying.
(c) Offending.
(d) Mentioning.

12. With the help of ___________ advertising gurus, a product is no longer a product, but it is a way of life, an attitude, a set of values, a look, an idea.
(a) Marketing.
(b) Trained.
(c) New age.
(d) Professional.

13. ___________ is a retailer which has engaged in price wars, offering prices so low that no competitor can ever compete.
(a) Gap.
(b) K-Mart.
(c) Meijer.
(d) Wal Mart.

14. Klein's parents thought of ___________ as a racket since once you get one, then you need all of the accessories to play with it.
(a) Barbie.
(b) Army guys.
(c) Computers.
(d) Board games.

15. Wal-Mart has the power to veto certain CDs or books since that one book or CD is not going to impact its ______________.
(a) Attitude.
(b) Customers.
(c) Bottom line.
(d) Reputation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the branded town as build by Disney in Florida, whose aim is to create an entirely branded experience?

2. Newsworthy stories and important stories may be ___________ when a corporation does not agree with the piece.

3. During the 1990s, the consumer became more _________ conscious than brand conscious due to the recession taking place.

4. Street _________ abound in the black neighborhoods as they know that the trends there will be cool in two to three years.

5. Cultural trends tend to begin in ___________ neighborhoods and then move out to the suburbs.

(see the answer keys)

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