No Future Without Forgiveness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Future Without Forgiveness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Tutu preach in Rwanda?
(a) The use of mob justice.
(b) The use of restorative justice.
(c) The use of Christian justice.
(d) The use of punitive justice.

2. What did Tutu think his cancer represented?
(a) The cost of his drinking habit.
(b) The cost for his sins.
(c) The cost of his work.
(d) The cost for working with the previous white government.

3. What happened on August, 1988?
(a) Adriaan Vlok was elected in office.
(b) A bomb exploded in the Khotso House.
(c) Soweto was bulldozed.
(d) Mandela was jailed.

4. Tutu believed the TRC saved South Africa from ______________.
(a) The brink of disaster.
(b) Black domination.
(c) White domination.
(d) Invasion.

5. What does Tutu say many people do not want to expose?
(a) Their vulnerabilities.
(b) Their true beliefs.
(c) Their families.
(d) Their thoughts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tutu expressed that no one can be ______________and be alone.

2. Why does Tutu say many accepted the apartheid system?

3. What did the TRC struggle to avoid?

4. At what TRC hearing did Winnie Mandela come to, according to Tutu?

5. What did Tutu's cancer help him do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whose confessions implicated Winnie Mandela, Nelson Mandela's ex-wife?

2. How were individuals, the economy, and animals affected by apartheid terrorism?

3. What does everyone have the capacity for according to Tutu?

4. What accusation was made against a commissioner and how was it handled?

5. What were TRC workers and commissioners encouraged to do by health staff according to the "Postscript"?

6. What were some black South Africans pressed into infiltrating?

7. What was the worst thing about apartheid according to Tutu?

8. What did Tutu encourage the TRC workers and commissioners to do?

9. What did Rwanda teach Tutu about genocide in "Chapter Eleven, Without Forgiveness There Really Is No Future"?

10. What happened on August 31, 1988?

(see the answer keys)

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