No Country for Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Country for Old Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Moss pondering at the beginning of Chapter II?
(a) If law enforcement is more dangerous now than it used to be.
(b) If he and Carla Jean will stay married.
(c) Whether or not he should go back to school.
(d) If he should turn in the guns he found.

2. What does Moss buy at Wal-Mart?
(a) A knife and snacks.
(b) Clothes and a bag.
(c) Clothes and snacks.
(d) A bag and bullets.

3. Why does Bell send Wendell to saddle his two horses?
(a) He is taking one to market.
(b) He needs some time away with his wife.
(c) He wants to examine the crime scene.
(d) He is taking them to the vet.

4. How much money does Moss find in the dead man's case?
(a) $5 million.
(b) $1.5 million.
(c) $3.2 million.
(d) $2.4 million.

5. Chigurh finds a listing for a/an __________________ in a phone book.
(a) hotel.
(b) plumber.
(c) veterinarian.
(d) attorney.

6. What type of footwear is the intruder wearing?
(a) Running shoes.
(b) Combat boots.
(c) Ostrich boots.
(d) Flip flops.

7. Which of the following does Sheriff Bell NOT tell Torbet to do?
(a) Shut the car trunk.
(b) Load his rifles.
(c) Keep his lights on.
(d) Wait.

8. What is unusual about Moss' truck at the crime scene?
(a) It is the only one not shot up.
(b) The tires are missing.
(c) All the windows are shot out.
(d) The radio is still playing.

9. How does Chigurh kill Wells?
(a) Bashes his head with a ball bat.
(b) Smothers him with a pillow.
(c) Strangles him with wire.
(d) Shoots him in the face.

10. What type of weapon was used to kill the men at the crime scene?
(a) Shotgun.
(b) Air gun.
(c) Uzi.
(d) Pistol.

11. Why does Chigurh leave the hotel?
(a) He doesn't have enough money to stay longer.
(b) He needs to get home for a funeral.
(c) He is too restless to stay.
(d) He sees some deputies sizing him up at dinner.

12. What does Wells tell Moss about Chigurh?
(a) Chigurh has been shot and killed.
(b) Chigurh has surrendered.
(c) He can make Chigurh go away.
(d) Chigurh has been taken prisoner.

13. What does Moss tell Carla Jean that he has done?
(a) Robbed a bank.
(b) Killed a man in cold blood.
(c) Found a new job.
(d) Had an affair.

14. What does Moss do with his handkerchief?
(a) Wraps it around his forehead.
(b) Makes a tourniquet for the bleeding man.
(c) Stuffs it in the tailpipe of the truck.
(d) Wipes down the surfaces he may have touched.

15. What is in the case sitting by the dead man who tried to get away?
(a) Money.
(b) Photographs.
(c) Water.
(d) Drugs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What weapon does Chigurh use to kill the Mexicans in the hotel room?

2. Wells confirms that Moss did not take _______________ from the crime scene.

3. Bell explains to Torbert the technology used in today's ___________________.

4. What condition is Moss' car in when Bell finds it?

5. What does Chigurh use for target practice as he drives?

(see the answer keys)

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