Nine Perfect Strangers Test | Final Test - Easy

Liane Moriarty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nine Perfect Strangers Test | Final Test - Easy

Liane Moriarty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Masha becomes angry when the first guest to give a defense presentation in Chapter 67 does not have what?
(a) A conclusion.
(b) A formal thesis.
(c) A good argument.
(d) Visual aids.

2. During his psychedelic therapy in Chapter 43, Ben compared his new wealth to what animal?
(a) A tiger.
(b) A dog.
(c) A bear.
(d) A whale.

3. As Frances remembers key events from the retreat in Chapter 55, she tells the group to do what?
(a) Look down.
(b) Look inside.
(c) Look up.
(d) Look out.

4. Who comforts Tony as his claustrophobia worsens in Chapter 68?
(a) Frances.
(b) Carmel.
(c) Heather.
(d) Jessica.

5. How did Gillian die?
(a) Breast cancer.
(b) Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
(c) A heart attack.
(d) Aneurysm.

6. After Tony injures himself in Chapter 57, what happens to Frances?
(a) She laughs.
(b) She faints.
(c) She vomits.
(d) She shivers.

7. Following the psychedelic experience, what does Zoe realize about Zach?
(a) That he is still there in her heart.
(b) That he is gone forever.
(c) That he is at peace.
(d) That he was never there.

8. After he stopped playing professionally, what business did Tony start?
(a) An investment consultancy company.
(b) A sports-marketing consultancy company
(c) A player-advocacy consultancy company.
(d) A coaching consultancy company.

9. Who is the first to realize the door is unlocked?
(a) Lars.
(b) Zoe.
(c) Frances.
(d) Ben.

10. In Chapter 31, the guests learn they had been given small doses called what?
(a) Mini-doses.
(b) Micro-doses.
(c) Milli-doses.
(d) Nano-doses.

11. When Yao plans to release the guests in Chapter 59, what does Masha do?
(a) Locks him in a closet.
(b) Handcuffs him.
(c) Sedates him.
(d) Stabs him.

12. As the guests begin defending one another in Chapter 67, who gives a presentation that makes Masha happy?
(a) Carmel.
(b) Napoleon.
(c) Lars.
(d) Zoe.

13. During the psychedelic therapy, what advice does Masha give Heather?
(a) To release her anger.
(b) To relax.
(c) To go to sleep.
(d) To cry.

14. What does Carmel learn during her psychedelic therapy?
(a) That she still loves her ex-husband.
(b) That her children love her best.
(c) That losing five more pounds will make her happy.
(d) That she prefers her real body.

15. Who joins the Marconi family during the psychedelic therapy?
(a) Zoe's best friend.
(b) Heather's mother.
(c) Napoleon's brother.
(d) Zach.

Short Answer Questions

1. Following her confession during the psychedelic therapy, how does Heather feel?

2. What do Ben and Jessica offer Masha in Chapter 50?

3. For what is Carmel shopping during her psychedelic vision?

4. What does Zoe tell Frances after reading Nathaniel's Kiss?

5. According to Frances, what motivates Masha in Chapter 50?

(see the answer keys)

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