The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides suggesting that Henry would be a better father, what else does Edward suggest to his mother?
(a) Henry would be a better cook too.
(b) Henry could make repairs.
(c) Henry would help around the house.
(d) Henry would be a better husband for her.

2. According to Henry, why is the government afraid of the choice he has made?
(a) It may encourage others to do the same.
(b) They want his money.
(c) They do not prison escapees.
(d) They do not want a civil war.

3. Where must Waldo go to speak out against injustice?
(a) At the courthouse.
(b) In his own heart.
(c) In Washington, D.C.
(d) Out of his comfort zone.

4. What does Lydian suggest that Henry do while Waldo is away in England?
(a) Find a wife.
(b) He should leave.
(c) Get another job.
(d) Stay with them.

5. What does Henry assure Williams?
(a) He is free.
(b) He is still a slave.
(c) He will not get captured.
(d) He may stay at Walden Pond.

6. What does Henry recognizes about his devotion to Waldo?
(a) It has given him the strength to fight injustice.
(b) It has stripped away some of his self.
(c) It has made a solid friendship.
(d) It has helped shape his own beliefs.

7. What does Henry accuse Waldo of being, which Waldo denies?
(a) "Stuck" in his beliefs.
(b) "Tethered" by his beliefs.
(c) "Unsure" in his beliefs.
(d) "Spineless" in his beliefs.

8. To what are men slaves, according to Henry?
(a) One another.
(b) God.
(c) Money.
(d) Their wives.

9. What is Bailey doing as Henry speaks to him?
(a) Exercising.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Reading.
(d) Playing cards.

10. When is there sexual tension between Lydian and Henry?
(a) When Henry asks her to marry him.
(b) When she sees the gift he made her.
(c) When Edward says he wants Henry to be is father.
(d) When she asks if he is lonely, he turns the question back on her.

11. About what is Henry's soliloquy?
(a) Love.
(b) Freedom.
(c) Loss.
(d) Friendship.

12. What advice does Henry give him when Waldo asks him what he thinks he should do?
(a) Henry tells him to run for mayor.
(b) Henry tells him to join him in jail.
(c) Henry tells him to start his own war.
(d) Henry tells him to speak out against the war.

13. The scene fades and Sam is doing what?
(a) Waking Henry up from his dream.
(b) Calling for help.
(c) Yelling at Henry.
(d) Packing Henry's belongings.

14. Why does Henry wail in grief?
(a) John is shot.
(b) Edward is shot.
(c) Abraham Lincoln is shot.
(d) Waldo is shot.

15. What does Edward do as he gives his mother the berries?
(a) Tells her that he wants Henry to be his father.
(b) Tells her to make a pie.
(c) Tells her how wonderful his day was.
(d) Tells her that he loves berries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What choice is Henry describing to Bailey?

2. With what does Henry tell Bailey he prays?

3. Henry and Lydian briefly discuss love and loneliness. What comes between them?

4. About what is Williams worried?

5. Why does Henry object violently to this name?

(see the answer keys)

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