The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why will Henry not give money to the government?
(a) He does not approve of its actions.
(b) He does not like the United States.
(c) He is not an American.
(d) He does not have the money to give to the government.

2. What does Henry do when he catches Ellen writing notes once again?
(a) He tells her to continue the hard work.
(b) He quizzes her over her notes.
(c) He urges her to put the notes on note cards.
(d) He urges her to be an individual.

3. Why is Henry seized with a new feeling of love for Ellen?
(a) She actually understands Transcendentalism
(b) She says she loves him.
(c) She weeps over John's coffin.
(d) She comforts him.

4. If more people were willing to go to jail to protest the government, they could effect change on what scale?
(a) The scale of the American Revolution.
(b) The scale of the Mexican War.
(c) A small scale.
(d) The scale of the Civil War.

5. What does Henry tell Waldo and Lydian about what must be done?
(a) They need to give him a list.
(b) The things that need doing will tell him about it.
(c) He will only do certain things.
(d) Let him know what they need.

6. For what does Henry invite Ellen?
(a) A walk.
(b) A boat ride.
(c) A picnic.
(d) A swim.

7. Why does Henry make this agreement with Ellen before taking her to shore?
(a) He knows that John likes her very much.
(b) He knows she likes John.
(c) He loves her.
(d) He knows she loves him.

8. To what does Henry compare time?
(a) To a road.
(b) To the sun.
(c) To a river.
(d) To sand.

9. To what does John attribute Henry's nonconformity?
(a) Henry's Harvard education.
(b) Henry's private school education.
(c) Henry's nature.
(d) Henry's desire to be isolated.

10. Who will be Henry's protege?
(a) Ellen.
(b) Ethan.
(c) Edmund.
(d) Edward.

11. What similarity between Henry and Waldo do John and Mother note?
(a) Waldo and Henry's looks.
(b) Waldo and Henry's speeches.
(c) Waldo and Henry's personalites.
(d) Waldo and Henry's irritability.

12. Who does Waldo say "were trying to buy popularity?"
(a) His students.
(b) College professors.
(c) Roman emperors.
(d) The members of his congregation.

13. How does Ellen find Transcendentalism?
(a) Nice.
(b) Sneaky.
(c) Evil.
(d) Scary.

14. Why is Henry applying for work as a repair person?
(a) He loves to repair machinery.
(b) He wants to help the Emersons.
(c) He wants to stop thinking.
(d) He likes to work with his hands.

15. Waldo, who is clearly quite old, is losing his senses, mistakes what for a person?
(a) His overcoat.
(b) His umbrella.
(c) A post.
(d) A shadow.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Henry point out to Bailey about doing what is expected of you?

2. Henry tells John that college was a waste of time except for what?

3. Why is Bailey in jail?

4. To what does Henry compare Waldo lecturing?

5. Why is Henry visibly frustrated with himself?

(see the answer keys)

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