The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Deacon Ball, the Chair of the Concord School Committee, shocked at what Henry has been discussing with his class?
(a) There are girls in the course.
(b) He is not following the curriculum.
(c) Matters of theology should be left to religious leaders.
(d) The students do not address him as "Sir."

2. Whose nightmare of Henry being arrested has come true?
(a) Waldo's.
(b) His mother's.
(c) His brother's.
(d) His father's.

3. Bailey is impressed and observes that Henry must be a teacher. Why is Bailey impressed with Henry?
(a) Henry teaches him how to play the flute.
(b) Henry teaches him about Transcendentalism.
(c) Henry teaches him mathematics.
(d) Henry teaches him how to read and write his name.

4. What does Henry notice about Ellen?
(a) She is staring at him.
(b) She is beautiful.
(c) She is younger than any of the other students.
(d) She is an older girl and is taking notes.

5. Why does Henry make this agreement with Ellen before taking her to shore?
(a) He knows that John likes her very much.
(b) He knows she loves him.
(c) He loves her.
(d) He knows she likes John.

6. How does Waldo respond when Ball asks him about listening to another clergyman?
(a) He tends to fall asleep.
(b) He is always glad when the sermon is over.
(c) He gets good sermon ideas from other clergymen.
(d) He becomes nervous.

7. What word does Deacon Ball use incorrectly, which actually means forbidden?
(a) Prisribed.
(b) Perscribed.
(c) Proscribed.
(d) Penscribed.

8. What words of Waldo's does Henry repeat like a mantra?
(a) "Follow the yellow brick road."
(b) "Be free to be yourself."
(c) "Cast conformity behind you."
(d) "Follow your own path."

9. To what does John attribute Henry's nonconformity?
(a) Henry's nature.
(b) Henry's Harvard education.
(c) Henry's private school education.
(d) Henry's desire to be isolated.

10. Henry agrees to take her to shore if she will do what?
(a) Go to church with him.
(b) Go to church with John.
(c) Marry him.
(d) Marry John.

11. How does Bailey feel about being in jail with Henry?
(a) He does not mind being in jail with an author.
(b) He is irritated by him.
(c) He is delighted to be in jail with an author.
(d) He hates being in jail with him.

12. Waldo, who is clearly quite old, is losing his senses, mistakes what for a person?
(a) A shadow.
(b) His overcoat.
(c) A post.
(d) His umbrella.

13. What is the setting for the beginning of the play?
(a) A school.
(b) A jail cell in the center of the stage.
(c) Walden Pond.
(d) Long Island Sound.

14. Why will Henry not pay his taxes?
(a) He hates paying taxes.
(b) The government is corrupt.
(c) He does not have the money.
(d) Taxes do not help the people.

15. Henry replies that he likes the way the alphabet sounds and feels when read backwards. Why does he think that things should be mixed up?
(a) It would be very tricky for everyone to remember.
(b) To make the alphabet more exciting.
(c) To make the alphabet less linear and more human.
(d) It would be more fun that way.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Henry's advice when Bailey says he cannot swim?

2. How does Ellen find Transcendentalism?

3. What do Henry and Bailey see outside the window of the cell?

4. Why is the lighting on the empty areas of the set weak?

5. How does Waldo find out about Henry's arrest?

(see the answer keys)

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