Nights at the Circus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nights at the Circus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is Fevvers real hair?
(a) White
(b) Black
(c) Brown
(d) Blonde

2. Who does Lizzie say Walser is?
(a) An old man
(b) A damaged boy
(c) A wild man
(d) A child

3. Who does Mignon accompany on a waltz?
(a) A tiger
(b) A lion
(c) The Strong Man
(d) Walser

4. What do the female prison escapees want the Escapee to donate?
(a) His sperm
(b) A rib
(c) A thousand roubles
(d) His soul

5. Which country are the band of men outlawed from?
(a) Georgia
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) Ukraine

6. Which three characters stay with the Maestro?
(a) Mignon, Lizzie and Fevvers
(b) Sybil, the Professor and Mignon
(c) The Princess, Lizzie and Sybil
(d) The Princess, Mignon and the Strong Man

7. Who does Mignon say she would never have an affair with?
(a) A clown
(b) A tiger
(c) A trapeze artist
(d) A ring leader

8. What does Lizzie wrestle with in the dark hut?
(a) A Shaman
(b) Walser
(c) A tiger
(d) A bear

9. Where do the Shaman sacrifice bears?
(a) In the sacrificial tent
(b) On an alter
(c) In the kitchen
(d) In the god hut

10. Who does Walser come across in deep meditation in this chapter?
(a) A hippy
(b) A Muslim
(c) A Buddhist
(d) A Shaman

11. What is the woman known as who finds Walser?
(a) Lottie
(b) Dominatrix
(c) Murderous
(d) Lover

12. Where is Walser wandering through in this chapter?
(a) Georgia
(b) Mongolia
(c) Moscow
(d) Siberia

13. What does the Duke have in the crotch of his pants?
(a) A cucumber
(b) The American flag
(c) A rose
(d) The British flag

14. Who does Fevvers feel guilty about?
(a) Lizzie
(b) Mignon
(c) Walser
(d) The Duke

15. Where is Walser in this chapter?
(a) In the clowns carriage
(b) In the drivers cabin
(c) Buried under the snow
(d) Under the train's ruins

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Walser to break down into tears?

2. What is the only other creature alive?

3. What do the circus call the band of misfits?

4. What are the women not allowed to receive in the prison?

5. How many elephants are alive at the train crash in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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