Night Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Night Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Elie find in a pile of bodies in the deserted village?
(a) His friend, Juliek.
(b) Rabbi Elichou's son.
(c) Rabbi Elichou.
(d) His friend, Zalman.

2. Why were there 100 passengers crowded together as they traveled in Chapter 6?
(a) The prisoners were so thin.
(b) There were more prisoners to transport.
(c) There were fewer guards for the prisoners.
(d) There were fewer conveyances to carry the prisoners.

3. Why did Wiesel return the knife and spoon to his father in Chapter 5?
(a) It reinforced the fact that his father was not selected.
(b) It continued the secret code between father and son.
(c) His father needed something to remind him of Elie until the result of his selection occurs.
(d) His father needed them to work in the kitchen.

4. What did Elie struggle to do when he found himself in the deserted village?
(a) Breathe.
(b) Hear.
(c) See.
(d) Steal a gun.

5. What scene similar to that of the workman throwing the bread to the prisoners did Wiesel witness later in life?
(a) A group of homeless people drawing straws to see who gets a threadbare scarf.
(b) Children pushing and shoving to pick up candy thrown by a street performer.
(c) Guards stoning a prisoner at a penitentiary.
(d) People diving and fighting for coins thrown by passengers of a boat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before the prisoners were assigned to blocks in Chapter 4, where did they wait?

2. In Chapter 3, why did Wiesel get to keep his shoes at the concentration camp?

3. How did Wiesel's father respond to the order that Jews were not allowed to keep valuables in the house?

4. How many steps forward was every prisoner instructed to take at the beginning of Chapter 8?

5. What season was ending at the beginning of Chapter 5?

(see the answer key)

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