Night Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Night Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In particular, what part of the occurrence that Wiesel witnessed later in life reminiscent of the workman throwing bread to the prisoners caused his reaction?
(a) He noticed one of the homeless people pull a knife.
(b) One of the children looked like a friend he knew at Buchenwald.
(c) Two children were trying to strangle each other for coins.
(d) He saw a prison guard strike the prisoner to the ground.

2. In Chapter 3, how did the man respond who is looking for news of his family after he spoke with Wiesel?
(a) He wept with joy.
(b) He remained quiet and returned to his place in the ranks.
(c) He collapsed from grief.
(d) He cried bitterly and hysterically.

3. In Chapter 5, how did the Rosh Hashanah service end?
(a) Psalm
(b) Shabbat.
(c) Seder.
(d) Kaddish.

4. What was the condition of the prisoners who took shelter in the deserted village as they traveled to the concentration camp?
(a) Comfortable.
(b) Tired.
(c) Well-fed.
(d) Restless.

5. What could Wiesel do when rumors started that the Russians were approaching the camp in Chapter 5?
(a) He could join the Russian army.
(b) He could hide in an air raid shelter until the Russians left the camp.
(c) He could set out on his own and risk being shot.
(d) He could stay behind in the hospital with his father or he could evacuate with the rest of the prisoners.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Wiesel return the knife and spoon to his father in Chapter 5?

2. What was Wiesel's reaction to the thick soup offered to him the day after arriving at Auschwitz in Chapter 3?

3. What is one way that Wiesel addressed God at the beginning of Chapter 5?

4. How were the Jews supposed to get to the next prison block at Auschwitz?

5. After they were shown the chimney at Birkenau, what was the crowd's reaction?

(see the answer key)

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