Night Probe! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Night Probe! Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Dr. King calls Sandecker at home, what does Sandecker forget to do before going back to NUMA?
(a) Put on his shoes.
(b) Grab a jacket.
(c) Get his car keys.
(d) Hang up the phone.

2. What train company does the ticket agent in Chapter 3 work for?
(a) The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad.
(b) Burlington Northern Railroad.
(c) Canadian Pacific Railway.
(d) New York & Quebec Northern Railroad.

3. When he is in the hospital, who does Sarveux say that Henri Villon must consult?
(a) David Raybeau.
(b) Jacques Bibout.
(c) Martin Robins.
(d) Max Roubaix.

4. Who meets Brian Shaw at the airport in Washington, D.C.?
(a) Dirk Pitt.
(b) Heidi Milligan.
(c) Burton-Angus.
(d) Jack Murphy.

5. What are the projected yields for the oil-producing sandbar that the Doodlebug finds?
(a) 1,500 barrels per acre foot.
(b) 3,000 barrels per acre foot.
(c) 2,000 barrels per acre foot.
(d) 1,000 barrels per acre foot.

6. Where in England is a reference to the North American Treaty found?
(a) Foreign Service Archives.
(b) Parliament archives.
(c) Official Secrets Vault in London.
(d) The British Library.

7. Why does Dr. King call Sandecker at home?
(a) To tell him they have lost contact with the Doodlebug.
(b) To tell him that an intruder has been spotted near the Doodlebug.
(c) To tell him that the Doodlebug has been damaged.
(d) To tell him that the Doodlebug has found something.

8. What degree is Heidi Milligan working toward?
(a) Doctorate degree.
(b) Master's degree.
(c) Bachelor of Science degree.
(d) Bachelor of Arts degree.

9. What happens to Shields at the end of Chapter 2?
(a) He gets in an accident.
(b) He falls and breaks a leg.
(c) He drowns.
(d) He cuts his arm.

10. Where was Foss Gly born?
(a) New York, New York.
(b) Toronto, Canada.
(c) Flagstaff, Arizona.
(d) Quebec.

11. What happens to a ship on the St. Lawrence River?
(a) Explosion.
(b) Collision.
(c) It runs aground.
(d) Pilot error.

12. While Harding and Meechum wait for the Manhattan Limited, who comes into the station?
(a) A man fastidiously dressed.
(b) A train employee from headquarters.
(c) A farmer.
(d) A school teacher.

13. What train is supposed to be coming into the station?
(a) Rochester Limited.
(b) Manhattan Limited.
(c) Albany Express.
(d) Hudson Express.

14. Where is Heidi heading after Dirk sees her off at the airport?
(a) San Diego.
(b) Santa Cruz.
(c) Santa Barbara.
(d) Los Angeles.

15. When the reader first meets Alan Mercier, what type of car is he riding in?
(a) Chrysler sedan.
(b) Chevy sedan.
(c) Black limo.
(d) Ford sedan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Pitt and Giordino do together in high school?

2. How far does Sandecker run daily?

3. Where is Harvey Shields in Chapter 1?

4. Who developed the Doodlebug?

5. What is the date in Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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