Night of the Living Rez Test | Final Test - Medium

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Night of the Living Rez Test | Final Test - Medium

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Night of the Living Rez," how long has it been since David last spent the summer with his father?
(a) Six years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Four years.
(d) Eight years.

2. In "Earth, Speak," what is the implied reason for Fellis's questions about Daryl's iPod?
(a) He has been trying to get himself an iPod for months.
(b) He suspects that Daryl took it from Lily's room.
(c) He wonders where Daryl got money for such an expensive device.
(d) He suspects that his aunt traded it to Daryl for pills.

3. In "Half-Life," what is the name of the assisted living facility that Frances is living in?
(a) Pinecrest.
(b) Horizons.
(c) Daybreak.
(d) Woodlands.

4. Where are Fellis and David when "Half-Life" opens?
(a) In Fellis's bedroom.
(b) At Jim's Corner.
(c) Outside Meekew's apartment.
(d) In an abandoned silo.

5. In "Earth, Speak," how much money does Fellis reveal he has saved over the years?
(a) Eight hundred dollars.
(b) Eighteen hundred dollars.
(c) Twenty-eight hundred dollars.
(d) Thirty-eight hundred dollars.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Safe Harbor," what is the name of the woman that asks David to get her some cigarettes?

2. In "Half-Life," what does Frances ask David to take care of before he leaves the assisted living facility?

3. In "The Name Means Thunder," why is David at school while Paige is having her baby?

4. In "Smokes Last," what are the sources of most of the insults characters use against one another?

5. In "Earth, Speak," what rumor does Beth share about Ralph Nelson?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Smokes Last," what is the rhetorical function of the grilled cheese burning?

2. In "Safe Harbor," what is the double meaning of the question David asks when he is brought into the emergency room?

3. In "Smokes Last," how do the events taking place in David's life parallel the events in Frick's stories from his youth, and what is the significance of this parallel?

4. In "Half-Life," what series of questions does David ask himself about his life?

5. In "The Name Means Thunder," how does David's mother's behavior change once Bedogi is in the house?

6. In "Earth, Speak," why is Fellis so angry at Daryl?

7. In "Half-Life," what incident early in the story demonstrates how much time David has begun losing to his drug use?

8. In "Night of the Living Rez," what is a reasonable inference about whom Paige is referring to when she loudly calls someone "That motherfucking pig," and what evidence backs up this inference (244)?

9. At the end of "Night of the Living Rez," how is David's mother's behavior similar to her behavior near the end of "Earth, Speak"?

10. Which details in "Half-Life" demonstrate that David does not fully trust Fellis?

(see the answer keys)

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