Night of the Living Rez Test | Final Test - Easy

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Night of the Living Rez Test | Final Test - Easy

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Night of the Living Rez," what movie do the boys joke about that makes David hungry for fry bread?
(a) Reel Injun.
(b) Blood Quantum.
(c) Powwow Highway.
(d) Smoke Signals.

2. In "Half-Life," what is the implied reason that David throws up as soon as he gets home to his mother's house?
(a) He is suffering from drug withdrawal.
(b) He is upset about disappointing his mother and grandmother again.
(c) He has a hangover from drinking the night before.
(d) He ate spoiled food at Fellis's house.

3. In "Safe Harbor," where has David recently gotten a job?
(a) Dysart's Restaurant.
(b) UPS.
(c) A dollar store.
(d) Tribal maintenance.

4. In "Earth, Speak," where is the first place David goes after he leaves Ralph's place?
(a) Beth's house.
(b) Meekew's apartment.
(c) Tabitha's apartment.
(d) His mother's house.

5. In "Half-Life," what color does David find his hands are stained?
(a) Orange.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Black.

6. In "Smokes Last," what technique is used when David says that he "came to the river that crept inland and formed the swamp" (156)?
(a) Simile.
(b) Personification.
(c) Hyperbole.
(d) Symbolism.

7. In "Smokes Last," what does David believe is the reason his mother has been irritable with him and Frick lately?
(a) Paige is in rehab.
(b) There is not enough food money.
(c) His mother has lost her job.
(d) His mother is trying to quit smoking.

8. In "The Name Means Thunder," why is David at school while Paige is having her baby?
(a) His mother is afraid he is getting sick and does not want to risk him spreading germs to the new baby.
(b) He is always behind in his classes, and his mother does not want him to miss any more school.
(c) He is excited to present his project on the planets and wants to go to school instead of the hospital.
(d) His mother cannot cope with him being underfoot when she needs to focus her attention on Paige.

9. In "Night of the Living Rez," why is the road by the football field closed off?
(a) For vendor loading and unloading during Community Days.
(b) For the convenience of the film crew.
(c) For elder and disabled parking for Community Days.
(d) For repair crews to resurface the road.

10. In "Night of the Living Rez," when David is upset about Paige, what does JP suggest they can do to make David feel better?
(a) Look for the pugwagee.
(b) Rebuild their lean-to.
(c) Get drunk.
(d) Beat up Tyson.

11. What techniques are used in "Safe Harbor" when David says "sharp pine trees clutter and lean into each other, and cardinals and finches flutter and jet from tree to tree" (127)?
(a) Synesthesia and asyndeton.
(b) Asyndeton and parallelism.
(c) Parallelism and rhyme.
(d) Rhyme and synesthesia.

12. In "Half-Life," what does David frequently mention as a way of implying that his circumstances are getting worse and worse and he feels powerless to save himself?
(a) Avalanches and being buried.
(b) Tornadoes and blowing away.
(c) Fire and being burned.
(d) Floods and drowning.

13. In "The Name Means Thunder," what planet does David choose to label with an alternative name?
(a) Earth.
(b) Mars.
(c) Pluto.
(d) Uranus.

14. In "Safe Harbor," what kind of medication does David's mother regularly take?
(a) Antidepressants.
(b) Antipsychotics.
(c) Narcotics.
(d) Benzodiazepines.

15. In "The Name Means Thunder," what does Bedogi sleep in?
(a) An ash basket.
(b) A dresser drawer.
(c) David's old crib.
(d) A cardboard box.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Half-Life," what does David compare the assisted living facility to?

2. In "Safe Harbor," what is David's intent when he tells his mother that she is hallucinating?

3. In "The Name Means Thunder," why does David's mother not want Frick to go look for Paige?

4. At the end of "Smokes Last," what does David's mother leave on his dresser?

5. In "Half-Life," what is the name of the assisted living facility that Frances is living in?

(see the answer keys)

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