Night of the Living Rez Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Night of the Living Rez Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Morgan Talty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 257 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Food for the Common Cold," what gift has David recently been given by his father?
(a) A toy truck.
(b) A basketball.
(c) An air rifle.
(d) A slingshot.

2. In "In a Field of Stray Caterpillars," who repeatedly calls Fellis's house?
(a) Cheryl.
(b) Tabitha.
(c) Alice.
(d) David's mother.

3. What does David keep in the black plastic tub?
(a) Toy figures.
(b) Crayons.
(c) Marbles.
(d) Trading cards.

4. Where does David go on the bus every day?
(a) School.
(b) Fellis's house.
(c) Work.
(d) The methadone clinic.

5. In "The Blessing Tobacco," why is Paige in David's room when he wakes up from his nap?
(a) She needs to borrow five dollars for gas money.
(b) She is concerned about the noises he was making in his sleep.
(c) She wants to know why he smells like tobacco smoke.
(d) She wants to talk to him about their grandmother.

6. In "Food for the Common Cold," what new information is revealed about Paige?
(a) She has moved into Overtown to attend the community college there.
(b) Unable to get along with Frick, she now lives with her grandmother.
(c) After a fight with her mother, she has gone back to live with her father.
(d) She has disappeared from their lives, having taken off after losing another baby.

7. In "In a Field of Stray Caterpillars," why do Fellis and David smoke cigars in the truck on the way home?
(a) They are trying to mask the terrible smell of the caterpillars.
(b) They are celebrating the end of the first phase of Fellis's treatments.
(c) They are rewarding themselves for not stopping to get alcohol on the way home.
(d) They are trying to settle their stomachs after being sick earlier.

8. In "The Blessing Tobacco," how many cigarettes does David say he smoked before he lost count?
(a) 12.
(b) 8.
(c) 10.
(d) 14.

9. In "The Blessing Tobacco," what question does Frick ask David when David comes in to sit on the couch in the middle of the night?
(a) Why he is out of bed.
(b) What is wrong with his grandmother.
(c) Whether there is any wine left.
(d) Whether he wants a cigarette.

10. In "In a Jar," why does David struggle to remember the details of the move to the reservation?
(a) He had a high fever during the move.
(b) It was a long time ago.
(c) He was asleep for most of the move.
(d) He is too young to understand what is happening.

11. In "Get Me Some Medicine," what television show have David and Fellis been watching?
(a) Ozark.
(b) Breaking Bad.
(c) The Sopranos.
(d) The Wire.

12. In "The Blessing Tobacco," what has David been sent to his grandmother's for?
(a) To do dishes and take out garbage.
(b) To escort her to his mother's house.
(c) To accompany her to the grocery store.
(d) To fill the wood box.

13. In "Get Me Some Medicine," what is the colloquial name used for the kind of beers that are in the bag when David hits Meekew?
(a) Tinnies.
(b) Two-fours.
(c) Pounders.
(d) Tall boys.

14. Why is Fellis feeling so sick?
(a) He is exhausted and hypothermic.
(b) He has taken an unnamed street drug.
(c) He missed his methadone dose.
(d) He has a respiratory virus.

15. What is the name of the marijuana dealer whom David goes into town to see?
(a) Stu.
(b) Rab.
(c) Ham.
(d) Bob.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Get Me Some Medicine," what does David say he and Fellis usually use for gambling chips?

2. In "In a Jar," what happens to David's medicine pouch?

3. What selfless gesture does David make to comfort Fellis?

4. In "In a Jar," what happens to Paige on the night the siblings hear the knocking in the walls?

5. In "In a Field of Stray Caterpillars," where is David trying to get a job?

(see the answer keys)

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