Night Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Night Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does John describe as the game ball in his description of the meeting to take place on September 11?
(a) The relationship between Jill and Bud.
(b) The videotape.
(c) The plane crash.
(d) The terrorist's identity.

2. How long did John look for Kate before returning to his apartment?
(a) Minutes.
(b) An hour or two.
(c) All night.
(d) Several days.

3. What happened to the building where the meeting regarding the videotape was planned to take place?
(a) It caught on fire.
(b) It collapsed after a plane crashed into it.
(c) It was quarantined for a suspected outbreak.
(d) It fell in an earthquake.

4. What does Jill force John to watch when she shows him the videotape of the plane crash?
(a) Herself giving a speech about terrorism.
(b) Herself having sex with Bud.
(c) A family video placed at the beginning of the tape.
(d) The beginning of the movie A Man and A Woman.

5. Who does John call to find his new suspect in Chapter 37?
(a) Dom Fanelli.
(b) Stein.
(c) Kate.
(d) Jack Koenig.

6. What does Dom Fanelli tell John when he calls him from a bar in Chapter 32?
(a) Where to find Roxanne Scarangello.
(b) That Kate has returned home.
(c) To stay away from the Flight 800 investigation.
(d) That John O'Neill has taken over FBI security at the World Trade Center.

7. What does the maid suggest the couple did in the few hours after arriving at the hotel?
(a) Ate dinner.
(b) Swam in the hotel pool.
(c) Watched television.
(d) Had sex.

8. How many cars do John and Kate take to the meeting the following morning?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

9. Who does Jill report to John has been trying to reach her by phone in Chapter 49?
(a) Her husband.
(b) Kate Mayfield.
(c) Jack Koenig.
(d) Ted Nash.

10. To where does John go in Chapter 42 after arriving in the city he has chosen to visit?
(a) A rented hotel room.
(b) The hoome of a suspect.
(c) The police department.
(d) A friend's house.

11. What explanation does John receive in Chapter 41 for the current location of the videotape taken by the lovers the night Flight 800 crashed?
(a) It was erased by the woman.
(b) It was destroyed by the man.
(c) It was erased by the man.
(d) It was destroyed by the woman.

12. Why does John attempt to borrow a book from the hotel library in Chapter 38?
(a) To see the process.
(b) To read a favorite book.
(c) To meet the librarian.
(d) To get a peek at the receipt book.

13. For what reason do they use this number of cars to transport them to the meeting?
(a) Security.
(b) To distract their enemies.
(c) To save gas.
(d) To have room for all the cops protecting them.

14. What information does Dom Fanelli give John in Chapter 38?
(a) Where to find Jill Winslow.
(b) That Kate is coming home soon.
(c) That Koenig wants John fired.
(d) That Ted Nash is still alive.

15. Who from the FBI does Jill Winslow tell John she has already spoken with in Chapter 45?
(a) Liam Griffith and Jack Koenig.
(b) Jack Koenig and Kate Mayfield.
(c) Ted Nash and Kate Mayfield.
(d) Liam Griffith and Ted Nash.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who arrives last at the meeting regarding the videotape?

2. Why is Jill afraid she will go to jail after showing John the videotape?

3. What does the librarian in Chapter 38 tell John he can do with his borrowed book if he does not need a receipt?

4. What name does John discover on the receipt in Chapter 36?

5. What story does John convince a police sergeant to give the husband of his suspect in Chapter 43?

(see the answer keys)

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