Night Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Night Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does Kate believe will be key evidence in the investigation into the crash of TWA Flight 800?
(a) A lens cap found on the beach.
(b) The fuel tank near the electrical short that caused the crash.
(c) The plane's black boxes.
(d) The videotape taken by a couple on the beach.

2. What did Spruck see the night TWA Flight 800 crashed?
(a) An orange light rising from the ocean toward the plane.
(b) A terrorist running away with a shoulder mounted launcher.
(c) Burning debris falling from the sky.
(d) A methane gas bubble rising from the ocean.

3. Why was Kate unable to see a police report on the items found on the beach the night of the plane crash?
(a) The cops lost it.
(b) The FBI took it.
(c) There never was one.
(d) The CIA destroyed it.

4. From whom does Kate tell John she learned of the hotel blanket and camera lens cap found on the beach the night of the crash of Flight 800?
(a) Jack Koenig.
(b) Dick Kearns.
(c) Ted Nash.
(d) Marie Gubitosi.

5. Where does John go after leaving the Bayview Hotel in Chapter 25?
(a) To the beach for a swim.
(b) The beach where the lovers are suspected of video taping the crash of Flight 800.
(c) To a bar for a drink.
(d) Home.

6. Why does Kate ask John to re-investigate the crash of TWA Flight 800?
(a) She believes the original investigation was corrupt.
(b) She does not believe the truth has come out.
(c) She does not believe a missile took the plane down.
(d) She believes their might still be survivors out there.

7. What is the nationality of the taxi driver who takes John and Kate to the office in Chapter 14?
(a) Italian.
(b) English.
(c) Mexican.
(d) Arab.

8. What does John's friend from the NYPD believe was the cause of the crash of Flight 800?
(a) A cargo door that fell off.
(b) Friendly fire from a military exercise.
(c) Mechanical failure.
(d) A methane bubble.

9. What items does Marie ask John to buy in Chapter 18 before agreeing to meet him?
(a) Police magazines.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Painkillers.
(d) Diapers.

10. What does John do in Chapter 22 that is against ATTF regulations?
(a) Argues with Kate on company property.
(b) Turns off his beeper and cell phone.
(c) Calls in sick.
(d) Investigates the Bayview Hotel on ATTF time.

11. What does John learn from the housekeeper supervisor about Lucita's eligibility to work the night of the crash of Flight 800?
(a) She had a student visa, which made her job illegal.
(b) Her work visa had expired and she was working illegally.
(c) She crossed the border illegally and was working off the books.
(d) She had a valid work visa.

12. What name does John's friend from the NYPD give him to aid in his investigation into the crash of Flight 800?
(a) Marie Gubitosi.
(b) Lucita Perez.
(c) Ted Nash.
(d) Christopher Brock.

13. With whom does Stein tell John he is in big trouble in Chapter 27?
(a) The FBI in general.
(b) Jack Koenig.
(c) Stein himself.
(d) Kate.

14. How does Kate tell John she learned the name of the hotel on the blanket?
(a) She investigated the blanket and camera lens cap.
(b) She stole a look at the investigative report.
(c) She called local hotels until a manager admitted to a missing blanket.
(d) She asked Ted Nash.

15. What is the most significant item found on this beach?
(a) A child's toy.
(b) A camera lens cap.
(c) Debris from a missile.
(d) A videotape.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Koenig suggest about Kate and Ted Nash's relationship?

2. What part of the investigation did the FBI hide from Marie?

3. What room did this woman from the Bayview Hotel tell Marie she saw a couple with a blanket leaving the night of the crash of Flight 800?

4. For what reason does Stein warn John not to resign or refuse this new assignment?

5. Where does John learn that Koenig is sending Kate?

(see the answer keys)

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