Nicotine: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Nell Zink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicotine: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Nell Zink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what floor does Matt live?
(a) The 5th floor.
(b) The 12th floor.
(c) The 19th floor.
(d) The 40th floor.

2. What literary device is used in the following sentence from the novel: "An all-white man in an all-black car, like a grub in a rotten pecan" (192)?
(a) Metaphor.
(b) Alliteration.
(c) Assonance.
(d) Simile.

3. Who packs up the belongings of the residents of the Nicotine house after Matt's assault?
(a) Tony.
(b) Anka.
(c) Jazz.
(d) Sorry.

4. Where does Rob park his minivan for the TTIP protest?
(a) Houston Street.
(b) Wall Street.
(c) Broadway.
(d) Bowery Street.

5. Who says of the squatters in the Nicotine house, "It's like having bedbugs that do the dishes" (138)?
(a) Patrick.
(b) Penny.
(c) Rob.
(d) Matt.

6. What artist recorded the song "In Your Eyes"?
(a) John Lennon.
(b) Madonna.
(c) Peter Gabriel.
(d) Sinead O'Connor.

7. Where did Sunshine attend college?
(a) Penn State.
(b) NYU.
(c) Dartmouth.
(d) Yale.

8. What author is Rob reading when Penny comes to ask to sleep with him at the Nicotine house?
(a) Jamie Smithson.
(b) Barry Commoner.
(c) Roy O'Neill.
(d) James Waterson.

9. What does a neighbor do to Matt's car when he comes to board up the door at the Nicotine house?
(a) He urinates on it.
(b) He kicks it.
(c) He lights it on fire.
(d) He backs into it.

10. What does "WTO" refer to in the context of the novel?
(a) World Trade Organization.
(b) Welfare Trust Organization.
(c) World Therapy Occupation.
(d) War Tactics Organization.

11. Where does Anka say she plans to move after the Matt assault?
(a) The Tranquility house.
(b) The DJD house.
(c) The Morristown estate.
(d) The Stayfree house.

12. Whose sounds of lovemaking wakes Penny up in the middle of the night when she is sleeping in Rob's room?
(a) Tony and Jazz's.
(b) Matt and Jazz's.
(c) Sorry and Anka's.
(d) Tony and Sorry's.

13. What is the name of the locksmith who arrives to change the locks at the Nicotine house?
(a) Jeff.
(b) Roger.
(c) Gene.
(d) James.

14. What does the locksmith do when confronted by Rob at the Nicotine house?
(a) He calls the police.
(b) He changes the lock.
(c) He leaves.
(d) He calls Matt.

15. According to Matt, the human body is about what percentage of water?
(a) 80%.
(b) 60%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 70%.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word from the novel refers to speaking or acting in an evasive way?

2. What will Matt call the new establishment he is transforming the Nicotine house into?

3. Who pays Rob $50 for the bet about quitting nicotine use?

4. What weapon does Jazz bring to the hotel for Matt to use?

5. Whose memoirs is Jazz reading when Rob goes to check in with her the morning after Sorry and Penny are released?

(see the answer keys)

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