Nicotine: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nell Zink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicotine: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nell Zink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Penny's father describe cutting in half with scissors as a metaphor for rape in 2005?
(a) A curtain.
(b) A blanket.
(c) A baby mouse.
(d) An earthworm.

2. After how long did the drug trial release Sorry as a participant?
(a) 6 weeks.
(b) 4 days.
(c) 4 months.
(d) 4 weeks.

3. With whom does Amalia appear to have an obsession in the novel?
(a) Rob.
(b) Norm.
(c) Jason.
(d) Matt.

4. What television show does Norm request to watch when dismissing the hospice director in 2016?
(a) Wheel of Fortune.
(b) The Simpsons.
(c) Jeopardy.
(d) Cheers.

5. How much money did Sorry receive for the drug trial she participated in?
(a) $2,000.
(b) $12,000.
(c) $4,000.
(d) $8,000.

6. What kind of activist does Rob claim to be when Penny first meets him at the Nicotine house?
(a) A political activist.
(b) An environmental activist.
(c) A bicycle activist.
(d) A poverty activist.

7. Who solicits Penny for sex when she is leaving after arguing with Rob?
(a) Tony.
(b) Jazz.
(c) Matt.
(d) Sorry.

8. Who at the Tranquility house works with a collective that builds puppets for street theater?
(a) Roger.
(b) Anna.
(c) Stevie.
(d) Nixon.

9. Where did Amalia go to high school?
(a) Nyack.
(b) Princeton.
(c) Brooklyn.
(d) The Bronx.

10. How old is Penny in 2005?
(a) 16.
(b) 12.
(c) 19.
(d) 8.

11. What is the current co-op fee for Penny's room at the Tranquility house when she moves in?
(a) $450.
(b) $258.66.
(c) $58.80.
(d) $1,200.

12. What does Norm say he has spent half his life studying to the nurse in the hospice care facility in 2016?
(a) Shamanism.
(b) Political theory.
(c) Judaism.
(d) Catholicism.

13. What word used in the novel refers to the practice among those with power or influence favoring relatives or friends by giving them jobs?
(a) Nepotism.
(b) Despotism.
(c) Egalitarianism.
(d) Anarchy.

14. How much taller is Rob than Penny?
(a) 2 inches taller.
(b) 1 foot taller.
(c) 5 inches taller.
(d) 8 inches taller.

15. What does Norm say Matt does for a living in 2005?
(a) He is a bank examiner.
(b) He is an entertainment lawyer.
(c) He is a tax assessor.
(d) He is a garbage truck designer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Matt's girlfriend in 2005?

2. What does Penny put on after her mother leaves after consoling her about a dream in the beginning of the 2005 narrative?

3. In what month does Penny first go to Jersey City to find her grandparents' house?

4. Approximately how old does Amalia say she is at the time of Norm's death?

5. What is Anka's name short for?

(see the answer keys)

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