Nicomachean Ethics Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicomachean Ethics Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What vice is, according to Aristotle, in deficiency of the virtue of courage?
(a) Gluttony.
(b) Cowardice.
(c) Rashness.
(d) Sloth.

2. Who is the source of action, according to Aristotle, of one who acts from spiritedness?
(a) The one who angers the actor.
(b) The actor himself.
(c) Nature.
(d) The gods.

3. In contrast to wishing, which is for an end, for what is choosing in Aristotle's philosophical view?
(a) Things related to the end.
(b) Things related to others.
(c) Things related to the self.
(d) Things related to the means.

4. A buffoon is described by Aristotle in IV.8 as someone who goes to extremes in order to make someone else do what?
(a) Cry.
(b) Steal.
(c) Abjure the gods.
(d) Laugh.

5. How many virtues does magnanimity require, for Aristotle, in order to be in a person?
(a) None of them.
(b) All of them.
(c) Three of them.
(d) Most of them.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what two conditions is courage principally concerned, according to Aristotle?

2. What does Aristotle claim is the most frightening thing in III.6?

3. About what does man deliberate, according to Aristotle in III.3?

4. In what does Aristotle say modern comedy consists, in IV.8?

5. Who is the worst person in the community in Aristotle's judgment?

Short Essay Questions

1. To which of the vicious extremes is the truthful man closer in disposition and why, according to Aristotle?

2. What is the relationship that Aristotle cites as existing between opposites in coming to know what is or is not the right way for a thing to be, such as health?

3. In what way does Aristotle state that it is impossible for one to do injustice to himself?

4. What does it mean to say, as Aristotle explains it, that nothing can be habituated to be other than it is by nature?

5. How does Aristotle characterize those who are rash?

6. What is the tripartite distinction in the soul that Aristotle makes in Chapter 13 of the first book?

7. From what difficulty, according to Aristotle, does the dispute concerning the nature of happiness, as the end of all actions, arise?

8. What is the content of the suggestion of Aristotle regarding overcompensation and the acquisition of personal virtue?

9. The magnanimous man is concerned with what things and in what manner, according to Aristotle?

10. What is the distinction Aristotle makes between magnificence and generosity?

(see the answer keys)

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