Nicomachean Ethics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicomachean Ethics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Aristotle reference as taking in payment whatever his student desired to pay for the knowledge he would learn?
(a) Plato.
(b) Protagoras.
(c) Anaximenes.
(d) Empedocles.

2. With what sort of friendship is VIII.12 concerned?
(a) Friendship among women.
(b) Friendship between inferiors and superiors.
(c) Friendship with foreigners.
(d) Friendship in a family.

3. In what sort of life is self-sufficiency most present in the view of Aristotle?
(a) The contemplative life.
(b) The morally virtuous life.
(c) The mathematical life.
(d) The laborious life.

4. From Aristotle's perspective, what sort of friendship do complaints and reproaches most frequently arise?
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Utility.
(c) Familial.
(d) Virtue.

5. Whom does Aristotle cite as saying that those who claim that favor-doers are more loving than favor-receivers say so from a debased point of view?
(a) Pythagoras.
(b) Homer.
(c) Epicharmus.
(d) Socrates.

6. Concerning what do Aristotle and Socrates have a disagreement regarding the things that must be avoided that have to do with one's character?
(a) Pride.
(b) Animality.
(c) Incontinence.
(d) Vice.

7. For what does Aristotle blame people when it comes to money, honor, victory, and gain?
(a) Desiring them in any way.
(b) Feigning interest in their acquisition.
(c) Condemning those who seek them.
(d) Desiring them to excess.

8. Friendship with whom is discussed in IX.4?
(a) One's father.
(b) One's mentor.
(c) One's lover.
(d) Oneself.

9. What does Aristotle discuss as being an impediment to happiness, despite many having an opinion to the contrary, in VII.13?
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Pleasure itself.
(c) Pain itself.
(d) Good fortune.

10. Among what sort of people does Aristotle regard mutual and equal friendships complete in all respects?
(a) Elderly people.
(b) Alike people.
(c) Free people.
(d) Virtuous people.

11. When do people eat snacks the most in theaters, according to Aristotle in X.5?
(a) When there is a lot of dialogue.
(b) When the actors are good.
(c) When the actors are bad.
(d) When there is no dialogue.

12. Which of the following intellectual virtues does Aristotle say the incontinent person cannot have, at the beginning of VII.10?
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Practical judgment.
(c) Intellect.
(d) Art.

13. What quality does Aristotle state is involved in friendship in IX.6?
(a) Severity of character.
(b) A lack of jealousy.
(c) Like-mindedness.
(d) Altruisim.

14. What two forces does Aristotle claim determine the strength of an obligation to another person, in a situation where there is a conflict, according to IX.2?
(a) Debt and love.
(b) Justice and mercy.
(c) Earth and fire.
(d) Beauty and necessity.

15. In what sort of friendship are there no complaints, according to the view of Aristotle?
(a) Utility.
(b) Virtue.
(c) Pleasure.
(d) Familial.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aristotle claim the lover of self takes for himself?

2. Art, in the opinion of Aristotle, is concerned with what, according to VI.4?

3. In VIII.12, Aristotle states that every sort of friendship is in what?

4. Which of the powers of the soul that Aristotle claims is used to disclose truth is directed at the sources of truth?

5. Aristotle says in IX.10 that too many friendships of what type are obstacles to living beautifully?

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