Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting by in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting by in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Barbara states, "Someone ought to do the old-fashioned kind of ________ - you know, go out there and try it for themselves."
(a) Experiment
(b) Journalism
(c) Writing
(d) Investigation

2. What would Barbara use in order to document her daily experiences after her shifts were done for the day?
(a) Napkins
(b) The wall
(c) Laptop
(d) Journal

3. Barbara promises to spend a _________ in each location in order to get a sense of the area.
(a) Year
(b) Few months
(c) Week
(d) Month

4. What area of the restaurant is locked up when it is assumed that the dishwasher is stealing from the restaurant?
(a) Dry storage
(b) Meat locker
(c) Bathroom
(d) Office

5. Barbara realizes that her use of a car is different as many minimum wage workers have to use _________ to get around.
(a) Streets
(b) Buses
(c) Friends
(d) Their legs

6. Barbara certainly does not want to do hard ________ labor when she is working at her new jobs.
(a) Slave
(b) Physical
(c) Outside
(d) Mental

7. What is the name Barbara uses for the family restaurant where she chooses to work first in Florida?
(a) Hearthside
(b) Hearthville
(c) Heartbreak Hotel
(d) Hearttown

8. What is the name of the cook who occasionally throws meat against the wall during his shift?
(a) Roger
(b) Billy
(c) Stu
(d) Joseph

9. What does Barbara not want to mention when she is out in her new working life?
(a) Her daughters
(b) PhD
(c) Her husband
(d) Her hometown

10. Barbara began to realize that the only thing that made her special and separate from others at her workplace was her lack of __________.
(a) Ripped clothing
(b) Debt
(c) Experience
(d) Driver's license

11. Barbara is also not willing to make up a _____________ in order to pad her resume as she is going off to find jobs.
(a) Husband
(b) Work life
(c) Number of children
(d) False life

12. __________ is a city in which Barbara is afraid she might be recognized, so she looks for work in a nearby city.
(a) Key West
(b) New York
(c) Key Largo
(d) Chicago

13. Barbara notes that her sister constantly complained about the hopelessness of being a ____________.
(a) Minimum wage worker
(b) Woman
(c) Wage slave
(d) Waitress

14. Barbara admits that at the end of the project, she did break down and ____________, stealthily, though, and never within hearing of management.
(a) Rant
(b) Laugh
(c) Cry
(d) Admit her assignment

15. Since Barbara is far from any grocery store, she needs to live on __________ when she eats.
(a) Fast food
(b) Energy bars
(c) Diet soda
(d) Work food

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ehrenreich discover about her uniform when she is heading over to her second job?

2. One manager threatens to take the _______________ privilege from the employees even though this is their only hideout to smoke or eat.

3. Barbara makes the common that the ____________ is too low and that someone used to more should try to live with it.

4. The author most dislikes the visible __________ at the restaurant where she works since they complain and never leave good tips.

5. Barbara will take the ____________ paying minimum wage job she can find when she's off on assignment.

(see the answer keys)

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