The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Madame Mantalini also announce?
(a) She is having a child.
(b) She is separating from Mr. Mantalini.
(c) She is quitting her job.
(d) She wants Kate to continue to work for her.

2. Noggs also appears and secretly gives Nicholas what?
(a) A drawing.
(b) A letter.
(c) A box.
(d) A book.

3. What song does the Crummles Company sing?
(a) A boring song.
(b) A happy song.
(c) A silly song.
(d) A sad song.

4. What does John Bowdie do when Nicholas encounters him in the countryside near Dotheboys?
(a) He runs the other way.
(b) He congratulates him on beating Squeers and offers money so he can get away.
(c) He asks if Squeers is alright.
(d) He reprimands him for his poor behavior.

5. What does Kate refuse to do?
(a) Listen to the men.
(b) Go home.
(c) Back down.
(d) Play Hawk's game.

6. Who does, Member of Parliament, Sir Matthew Pupker face in the tavern?
(a) Angry muffin and crumpet sellers.
(b) An angry proprietor.
(c) An angry Nicholas Nickleby.
(d) An angry mob.

7. Nicholas returns despondently to Noggs' rooms. What does Noggs have for him?
(a) Good news.
(b) Bad news.
(c) A letter.
(d) Dinner.

8. What does Mr. Mantalini sell Ralph?
(a) A train ticket.
(b) The outstanding bills from the millinery shop.
(c) His stock of hats.
(d) His soul.

9. Nicholas arrives at the tavern where Squeers is depriving the boys in his charge of what?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Entertainment.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Their breakfast.

10. What does Ralph do to the two people who have been dealing with the Mantalinis?
(a) He throws them out.
(b) He sends them home to their husbands.
(c) He gives them their wages and congratulates them on a job well done.
(d) He ridicules them.

11. Who is the owner of Kate's new place of work?
(a) Madame Morris.
(b) Madame Matthews.
(c) Madame Maurissaut.
(d) Madame Mantalini.

12. Who are the Curdles?
(a) Theater snobs.
(b) Relatives to the Crummles.
(c) Neighbors.
(d) A poor family.

13. Friar Lawrence arrives with what news?
(a) The Apothecary is dead.
(b) Mercutio is not dead either.
(c) Tybalt is not dead.
(d) Mercutio is dead.

14. These two go through the Mantalinis' things and reveal what?
(a) They came to the wrong house by mistake.
(b) There is nothing of value.
(c) The Mantalinis are nice people, and they have changed their mind and do not want to take their things.
(d) The Mantalinis are to be taken in lieu of cash payment for a debt.

15. How does Nicholas anger Fanny?
(a) He sits as far away from her as possible.
(b) He ignores her.
(c) He tells her he cannot stand her.
(d) He partners for a card game with Tilda.

Short Answer Questions

1. As soon as the members of the company discover that Nicholas is a playwright, what do they do?

2. What is odd about this place?

3. Why does Nicholas defend his employer to Fanny, Tilda and John?

4. What does Crowl volunteer to do?

5. What does Nicholas do to Squeers?

(see the answer keys)

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