Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what date does the provisional government receive official recognition from the United States?
(a) March 21, 1917.
(b) March 22, 1917.
(c) March 15, 1917.
(d) March 31, 1917.

2. What year do the Germans target as the year to force the Russians out of the war?
(a) 1915.
(b) 1917.
(c) 1916.
(d) 1914.

3. On whom does Alexandra rely as her adviser after Nicholas goes to Stavka?
(a) Anna Vyrubova.
(b) Queen Victoria.
(c) Prime Minister Goremykin.
(d) Rasputin.

4. At the end of June, why does the Romanov family stay up all night, fully dressed?
(a) They expect to be relocated.
(b) They expect to be rescued.
(c) They expect to be freed.
(d) They expect to be deported.

5. When Rodzianko finally convinces Nicholas, who is still at Stavka, that the violence and strike in Petrograd are serious, what does he NOT do?
(a) Make plans to return to Petrograd.
(b) Dissolve the Duma.
(c) Send his family out of the city for their safety.
(d) Send troops from the front into the city to restore order.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nicholas need in order to go outside of the palace after he and Alexandra are arrested?

2. What is the name of the mine to which the bodies of the Romanovs are taken?

3. Which river is Rasputin thrown into by his would-be assassins?

4. What percentage of the Russian army are killed, injured or imprisoned by the end of 1914?

5. The Grand Duke Michael, Nicholas's brother, tries to bring the royal family to Moscow for what reason?

Short Essay Questions

1. What secret information is found in Alexandra's papers after the abdication? Who is authorized to have copies of this information?

2. What happens to all of the money that is sent to Siberia to help the Romanovs?

3. How are the Romanovs lured to their deaths, and who tells them they were going to die? How long after the announcement of their impending death are the Romanovs killed?

4. Instead of telling Nicholas that a revolution is taking place, what does Protopopov and Voeikov tell him about the events taking place in St. Petersburg, and how does he find out what is really happening?

5. Why does Nicholas bring Alexis to live with him at the Stavka in the fall of 1915?

6. Under the 'protection' of Captain Kotzebue's revolutionaries, how are the Romanovs treated at first?

7. In agreeing to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, what territory does Russia give up?

8. As the soldiers guarding the Romanovs in Tyumen come to understand the meaning of the revolution, how do their attitudes toward the Romanovs change?

9. What happens on March 18, 1917, that prompts Alexandra to burn much of her correspondence?

10. When Colonel Kobylinsky is placed in charge of the Romanovs, how does the way in which they are treated change?

(see the answer keys)

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