Nicholas and Alexandra Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4: Chapter 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A crowd storms the German __________ and vandalizes its furnishings and artwork.
(a) Border.
(b) Passport office.
(c) Consulate.
(d) Embassy.

2. As the revolution begins, what is Nicholas writing to Alexandra about?
(a) Trout fishing.
(b) Playing dominoes.
(c) His plans to save the monarchy.
(d) Preparing to flee with her family to safety.

3. Which Rasputin ally is appointed as Vice-President of the Duma in October 1916?
(a) Alexander Trepov.
(b) Alexander Protopopov.
(c) Boris Sturmer.
(d) Ivan Goremykin.

4. What does Rasputin do as a child that earns him a reputation as a seer?
(a) He identifies a horse thief.
(b) He identifies a rapist.
(c) He identifies a murderer.
(d) He identifies a bank robber.

5. How does Prime Minister Kokovtsov, who replaces Stolypin after his assassination, come to be replaced by Rasputin's ally, Goremykin?
(a) Kokovtsov dies in office of a massive heart attack.
(b) A revolutionary assassinates Kokovtsov.
(c) Kokovtsov steps down voluntarily.
(d) Rasputin pressures Nicholas to remove Kokovtsov.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Grand Duke Michael, Nicholas's brother, tries to bring the royal family to Moscow for what reason?

2. Who asks Moscow for permission to transfer the Romanovs to Ekaterinburg?

3. What kind of information does Alexandra give to Rasputin, despite Nicholas' requests to her not to?

4. What does Nicholas need in order to go outside of the palace after he and Alexandra are arrested?

5. How do Nicholas and Alexandra deal with Alexis' medical condition?

(see the answer key)

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