Nicholas and Alexandra Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicholas and Alexandra Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3: Chapter 25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Romanovs' approach to publicizing Alexis' Spala injury?
(a) They use it as an opportunity to educate Russians about hemophilia.
(b) They only tell the citizens of Spala and St. Petersburg and swear them to secrecy on pain of death.
(c) They only tell close friends and immediate family.
(d) They keep it a secret from the world.

2. By what criteria does Rasputin judge people?
(a) By their view of him and his life style.
(b) By their morals and character qualities.
(c) By his view of them and their life style.
(d) By their committment to the Orthodox Church.

3. To the peasants in the countryside, the death of the peasant Rasputin makes him a _____________.
(a) Martyr.
(b) Peasant.
(c) Saint.
(d) Fool.

4. What type of economy does Russia have in 1906, when Peter Stolypin becomes prime minister of Russia?
(a) Agricultural.
(b) Seafaring.
(c) Service.
(d) Industrial.

5. How many wartime letters from Alexandra to Nicholas are found in Ekaterinburg after the revolution?
(a) 1.
(b) 360.
(c) 630.
(d) Over 600.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Alexis is traveling during the fall of 1915, he suffers a nosebleed. His mother credits Rasputin with stopping the bleeding; however, what is the most likely reason the hemorrhage stops?

2. Why does the royal trains stop wherever there is a cool spot or water available?

3. What does Russia's government receive on October 30, 1905?

4. What region of Russia, where the Romanovs go every spring and celebrate Easter, is the family's favorite?

5. What German author's writings influence Lenin?

(see the answer key)

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