Nibelungenlied Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nibelungenlied Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many men does Gunther send to Siegfried with an invitation to come to Burgundy?
(a) Fifty.
(b) A hundred.
(c) Thirty.
(d) A thousand.

2. What favor does Kriemhild ask of Etzel?
(a) She wants to return home to Burgundy.
(b) She wants him to ally himself with Gunther.
(c) She wants to see her friends from Gunther's lands.
(d) She wants him to raise their son as a heathen.

3. What does Gunther give to Etzel's minstrels?
(a) News about his kingdom.
(b) Slaves and property.
(c) More treasure than they can carry.
(d) Tapestries and musical instruments.

4. Why is Siegfried's son, Gunther, left at home with Siegfried visited Burgundy?
(a) He is conducting other diplomatic business.
(b) He is away at school when Siegfried leaves.
(c) Siegfried does not trust Brunhild.
(d) He is too young.

5. Who carries Kriemhild's message to Gunther?
(a) Etzel's minstrels.
(b) Kriemhild.
(c) Herrat.
(d) Rudeger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What occasion causes Etzel to seek Kriemhild's hand in marriage?

2. What do the four newlyweds do after mass is sung the morning after the wedding night?

3. What do Siegfried's men do after Kriemhild responds to Siegmund's request?

4. What does Brunhild want to know when she confronts Siegfried during his visit to Burgundy?

5. Who is guarding the Nibelungers' land when Siegfried arrives?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hagen foresee as the future for Burgundy if Kriemhild marries King Etzel?

2. How does Etzel's marriage proposal come about?

3. Describe Kriemhild's journey to Hungary.

4. What gifts are exchanged upon Folker's engagement to Rudeger's daughter?

5. What are the games in which Gunther will have to best Brunhild?

6. Why is Siegfried completely unarmed and without the protection of his own men when drinking from the stream, when the fatal blow to his vulnerable spot is struck by Hagen?

7. What is Kriemhild's relation to Rudiger and Gotelind?

8. Gunther falls in love with a queen across the sea who has an unusual gift and plan to find a husband. Who is this queen and what are her unusual gifts and ideas?

9. What happens when Bloedelin confronts Hagen and his men?

10. At the end of the first day, upon returning to Worms, why does Gunther demand that all girls withdraw from the hall, except his sister?

(see the answer keys)

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