Nibelungenlied Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nibelungenlied Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Adventure 30, How the Knights Kept Watch.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the messengers who reach Gunther from Kriemhild and Etzel?
(a) Dankwart and Gelfrat.
(b) Giselher and Gernot.
(c) Werbel and Swemmeline.
(d) Folker and Rudeger.

2. Who is unwilling to give up the plot to murder Siegfried?
(a) Gernot
(b) Gunther.
(c) Giselher
(d) Hagen.

3. What does Gunther say he must do before he can accept the invitation to visit Etzel and Kriemhild?
(a) Consult Hagen.
(b) Consult his council.
(c) Consult his brothers.
(d) Consult Brunhild.

4. Who instigates trouble among Hagen's men after the tournament?
(a) Ortwine.
(b) Gunther.
(c) Hagen.
(d) Folker.

5. Why does the meeting between Etzel's messengers and Brunhild have to be delayed?
(a) Brunhild is ill.
(b) Brunhild is away at war.
(c) Brunhild is in ill cheer.
(d) Brunhild is visiting her people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gunther give to Etzel's minstrels?

2. During the discussion, who taunts Hagen about whether to travel to Hungary to see Etzel and Kriemhild?

3. Who do Hagen's men say is marching on King Gunther's lands at the beginning of Adventure 15?

4. What advice does Hagen give to Gunther regarding Kriemhild's invitation?

5. Who recognizes immediately that the minstrels are from Etzel's court?

(see the answer key)

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