Next Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Next Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Frank believed what about the frequent tests?

2. In what state is Mr. Bellarmino giving a speech?

3. Mrs. Weller is unhappy about being where?

4. What is Josh Winkler's partner's name?

5. Josh's mother's New York relative is ______________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain why Mr. Weller's body can't be properly cremated and what that means for Marty Roberts.

2. When Adam's behavior suddenly changes and he goes off drugs and gets a job, Josh tells their mother about the retrovirus Adam inhaled. Then, their mother asks Josh to send some of the retrovirus to a drug-addicted son of a friend. Do you agree with that request or Josh's reaction to it? Why or why not?

3. In the prologue, the reader is introduced to a fugitive who stole embryos from his place of work, a research lab. What possible motives might the fugitive have had and do you agree with those motives?

4. Do you agree with Josh's attitude when Adam inhales the retrovirus? Why or why not?

5. Explain the results of the meeting between Alex, Frank and the university lawyers. Do you agree or disagree with the lawyers and why?

6. Henry Kendall learns that the blood he took to Roberts is human and that the DNA matches his own. Henry goes to the NIH lab in Bethesda where he was working on a transgenic chimpanzee four years ago when an encephalitis outbreak interrupted. Henry spends time with the chimpanzee, who is, for all intents and purposes, Henry's son, before learning it is to be destroyed. Henry decides to steal the chimpanzee from the lab and take it home, though he is not sure what he will do with him then. Do you feel that it was right for Henry to steal the Chimpanzee?

7. In previous chapters, Rick wanted custody of his children. Now, he has that custody, but with what results? What does that reveal about his character and his wife's?

8. Explain Roberts' sudden change of attitude at the cemetery and the results of it.

9. Describe Josh's brother, Adam.

10. Explain how Robert Bellarmino is introduced and what it could mean for future chapters.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Rick Diehl tries to get custody of his children by using his wife's genes to show that she is an unfit mother. Answer the following questions about that situation:

1. Do you feel that Rick should have custody of the children? Why or why not?

2. Do you feel that Rick has any right to say that his wife is genetically unfit to have custody? Why or why not?

3. What qualities do you feel make a good parent? Do you think that Rick or his wife have any of those qualities. If yes, which ones? If no, who should get the children, instead?

Essay Topic 2

Answer the following questions about Henry using examples from the story:

1. Why do you think Henry wanted to create a highly intelligent chimpanzee?

2. Why do you think Henry used his own DNA to make the chimpanzee cross breed, Dave?

3. Do you think that Henry thought of Dave as his son, or only as his experiment? Do you feel that his opinion changed throughout the book? If so, when and in what ways? If not, why not?

Essay Topic 3

Using at least five examples from the story, explain what opinion you think Michael Crichton, the author, is trying to give about animal testing. Also, explain whether or not you share that opinion and why.

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