Next Year in Havana Test | Final Test - Medium

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Next Year in Havana Test | Final Test - Medium

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 26, what does Pablo tell Marisol about his interactions with Elisa's father?
(a) Pablo arranged for Elisa's father's release from jail.
(b) Pablo arranged for Elisa's father to get and keep his own money.
(c) Pablo had tried to have Elisa's father arrested again after his release.
(d) Pablo arranged for Elisa's father's safe passage to Miami.

2. In Chapter 12, what does Alejandro find Elisa to tell her?
(a) She needs to leave Cuba immediately.
(b) Their mother needs to leave Cuba immediately.
(c) He needs money desperately.
(d) Pablo has been jailed and will likely be killed.

3. In Chapter 13, what does Luis tell Marisol about his personal life that shocks her?
(a) He is no longer married.
(b) His grandmother is not really his grandmother.
(c) His father is not really dead.
(d) He has a child.

4. In Chapter 15, what does Marisol tell Luis about her college professors?
(a) They were very interested in their students.
(b) They were all good speakers.
(c) They were not that engaging.
(d) They were never paid enough.

5. In Chapter 17, what does Luis tell Marisol about his feelings about the U.S. embargo on Cuba?
(a) It is ridiculous and hurts only the Cuban people.
(b) It is necessary.
(c) It hurts Cristina the most because she is the businessperson in the family.
(d) It is completely effective and warranted.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 23, what does Elisa do when she hears the news about the conditions in the prison?

2. In Chapter 14, how many other men were in the prison cell with Pablo?

3. In Chapter 15, why does Marisol feel as if she has lost her grandmother all over again?

4. In Chapter 12, what does Magda tell Elisa Beatriz should be doing?

5. In Chapter 15, where do Marisol and Luis kiss for the first time?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 18, what was significant about the Battle of Santa Clara?

2. In Chapter 12, what does Alejandro seek Elisa out to tell her about Pablo?

3. In Chapter 23, what happens to Elisa's family that has everyone very upset?

4. In Chapter 14, what does Pablo tell Elisa about his feelings about her father securing his release from jail that surprises Elisa?

5. In Chapter 20, what development in Havana does Elisa's mother seem truly appalled to have heard about?

6. In Chapter 20, who comes to Elisa's house to share news and what news does the person share?

7. In Chapter 12, who does Elisa ask to help Pablo and why?

8. In Chapter 14, where does Elisa go in order to see Pablo once he is released from jail?

9. In Chapter 15, how and where does Marisol's relationship with Luis progress into romantic territory?

10. In Chapter 13, what does Luis tell Marisol about his personal life that shocks her?

(see the answer keys)

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