Next Year in Havana Test | Final Test - Easy

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Next Year in Havana Test | Final Test - Easy

Chanel Cleeton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 24, what happens to Luis in Vedado?
(a) He is shot.
(b) He is stabbed.
(c) He is bit by a car.
(d) He is grabbed by men and shoved into a car.

2. In Chapter 15, what does Marisol tell Luis about her mother?
(a) They are very close.
(b) They are like polite strangers.
(c) She has not seen her mother in more than 10 years.
(d) Her mother is dead.

3. In Chapter 16, what does Beatriz tell Isabel is important in marriage?
(a) Compatibility.
(b) Intelligence.
(c) Friendship.
(d) Respect.

4. In Chapter 17, what does Luis tell Marisol when she asks if his mother ever thought of leaving Cuba with him?
(a) His mother was jailed for trying to leave once.
(b) They tried to leave once and did not make it.
(c) They never discussed it.
(d) His mother had told him they could never risk the dangers of leaving.

5. In Chapter 12, what does Alejandro find Elisa to tell her?
(a) Their mother needs to leave Cuba immediately.
(b) Pablo has been jailed and will likely be killed.
(c) She needs to leave Cuba immediately.
(d) He needs money desperately.

6. In Chapter 13, what happened to Ana's family's rum business under Castro?
(a) It was broken into pieces and sold to American owners.
(b) It was nationalized.
(c) It was destroyed.
(d) Ana's family operated it as always.

7. In Chapter 12, what promise does Elisa's father ask her to make to him?
(a) She will leave Cuba immediately with Pablo.
(b) She will find her brother Alejandro and bring him home.
(c) She will tell him exactly what Beatriz is up to.
(d) She will never see Pablo again.

8. In Chapter 23, what does the family hear about Emilio Perez?
(a) He has been taken to prison.
(b) He has been taken to Miami.
(c) He has been sent to Antigua.
(d) He has been killed.

9. In Chapter 15, why does Luis say that the Cuban authorities might be keeping an eye on Marisol?
(a) She is a beautiful woman and sometimes that alone is enough.
(b) She is a spy.
(c) She is a fashion expert and the regime is interested in fashion.
(d) She is a descendant of one of Cuba's previously most wealthy families.

10. In Chapter 12, what date is the presidential election held on in Cuba?
(a) November 1.
(b) December 15.
(c) March 15.
(d) May 5.

11. In Chapter 20, who is the first person Elisa tells she is pregnant?
(a) Beatriz.
(b) Pablo.
(c) Madga.
(d) Her mother.

12. In Chapter 14, how many other men were in the prison cell with Pablo?
(a) 8.
(b) 10.
(c) 25.
(d) 15.

13. In Chapter 19, who got credit for winning the Battle of Santa Clara?
(a) Fidel Castro.
(b) Luego.
(c) Che Guevara.
(d) Batista.

14. In Chapter 13, why does Ana tell Marisol she stayed in Cuba?
(a) She could not bear to live anywhere that was not near the sea.
(b) Her husband was a photographer who did not want to leave.
(c) She was too in love with her house.
(d) She could not bear to leave her best friends.

15. In Chapter 15, what question is Marisol plagued by during her time in Havana?
(a) Whether her great-grandfather had broken the law to make his fortune.
(b) What might have happened to her and her family if they had never left Cuba.
(c) Whether she could be a journalist while living here.
(d) Whether her grandmother really did like Fidel Castro or not.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 16, what does Pablo give Elisa that was his grandmother's?

2. What does Pablo tell Marisol about why Elisa thought he was dead?

3. In Chapter 19, where does Magda live?

4. What was one reason Luis tells Marisol that he and Cristina broke up?

5. In Chapter 15, what does Marisol tell Luis about her college professors?

(see the answer keys)

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