Next to Normal Character Descriptions

Brian Yorkey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Next to Normal Character Descriptions

Brian Yorkey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This is the central character and protagonist.


This character is the protagonist's husband who is, in many ways, passive-aggressive, disguising his need to control with apparent compassion.


This is the protagonist's daughter, a moody sixteen-year-old who, as the stage directions put it, is trying to be perfect.

Gabe (the delusion)

This character first appears as a healthy, attractive eighteen-year-old but as the narrative quickly reveals, he actually died when he was an infant.

Gabe (the reality)

This character died sixteen years before the musical begins, when he was approximately two years old.


This character is described in stage directions as a musician, a romantic, a stoner, a slacker and a philosopher king.

Dr. Madden

This character is the psychiatric therapist of the protagonist and is described as ageless.

Dr. Fine

This character is the protagonist's pharmacologist.

The Voices

On several occasions throughout the narrative...

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