News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Gloria Pachon and Villamizar ask of the police?
(a) An internal investigation to satisfy Escobar.
(b) A month's truce to allow contact with Escobar.
(c) For protection when they go see Escobar.
(d) To press on the Medellín slums even harder to send a message to Escobar.

2. What opportunity for possible freedom arises when Gorilla is having chest pains?
(a) The second guard sends Beatriz to the pharmacy for medicine.
(b) The second guard asks for the women's help to bring Gorilla to the hospital.
(c) Gorilla asks Maruja to find the majordomo for help.
(d) Maruja and Beatrix have access to submachine guns.

3. Why does Maruja fear the idea of carpeting the room?
(a) She is afraid more hostages will be taken and imprisoned with her.
(b) She is no longer used to changes of any kind.
(c) She believes it means she will remain there a lot longer.
(d) She believes it will create more mold and make her sick.

4. What does the government decide to turn into a prison for Escobar?
(a) An abandoned fort.
(b) A convent.
(c) An abandoned prison.
(d) An old rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

5. What concerns Escobar when watching "God's Minute"?
(a) Father Herreros condemns the Medellín boys for killing police officers.
(b) Father Herreros condemns Escobar's followers for not being able to think for themselves.
(c) Father Herreros announces his retirement from the show.
(d) Father Herreros apparently calls Escobar an unrepentant pornographer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What spurs Escobar's transfer to another prison?

2. Who cries for Marina's absence the first night she is gone?

3. What does Pacho want to take with him from his hostage hideout?

4. What stops Andrés from seeing his mother immediately?

5. What negotiation does Escobar initiate on his own?

(see the answer keys)

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