News of a Kidnapping Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maruja give herself to keep her sanity?
(a) A time for prayer to the Holy Infant once a day.
(b) Two hours of solitude a day.
(c) A cigarette as soon as she wakes up to the gloomy mornings.
(d) One-on-one conversations with Beatriz to keep focus on reality.

2. After Gaviria's response to the deaths, how do the Extraditables answer?
(a) They request another negotiation.
(b) They will continue with the executions.
(c) They will release one hostage.
(d) They will release all remaining hostages.

3. How does law enforcement identify the body of the first hostage executed?
(a) A tattoo.
(b) Dental records.
(c) The up market clothes and well-groomed nails.
(d) Hair similarities.

4. What does Marina see the in the laundry area during her nightly walks with Monk?
(a) Monk's mask as a skull.
(b) A man in black watching her.
(c) A ghost.
(d) The German Shepherd with a devilish grin on her.

5. What do drug traffickers fear most for punishment?
(a) Multiple sentences.
(b) Lifetime imprisonment.
(c) Death penalty.
(d) Extradition.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nydia achieve contact with Escobar?

2. What reality hits Luis Guillermo of Pablo Escobar's power?

3. What are the hostages given to wear while in hiding?

4. What does the guard refer to Diana as being?

5. Maruja and Beatriz see who at their second hiding place?

Short Essay Questions

1. Maruja is rejuvenated once more while imprisoned. What helps Maruja begin to look after herself again?

2. Months have passed for the hostages, and it is already a new year for Marina, Maruja, and Beatriz. What consequences are seen from a long hostage stay?

3. Beatriz is abducted my mistake. Why does she stay, and what does this say about her character?

4. There are decrees passed by the Constituent Assembly that deal with drug trafficking. However, when the terms are not agreeable, no one heeds their messages and laws. How do the citizens go about rejecting a decree? What gives them that ability?

5. The Priscos brothers are murdered. Who are they and how are they related to the kidnappings?

6. How does Nydia feel about the rescue attempt before and after it occurs?

7. Why do the kidnappers choose hostages who are media and government related?

8. Despite a criminal past, how does Escobar show he cares about Father Herreros' respect and opinion.

9. When Beatriz is first imprisoned, the radio announces she is a physical therapist, but the guards think she is a psychotherapist. They refuse to let her write for fear that she is composing a way to make them all go mad. What does this say about the guards?

10. What is the National Narcotics Statute, and how is it related to the abductions?

(see the answer keys)

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