News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

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News of a Kidnapping Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The attitude shown during days of waiting for Father Herreros and Escobar to meet can be described as __________.
(a) Impatient for Escobar.
(b) Anxious for the Monkey.
(c) Relieving for Villamizar.
(d) Impatient for Father Herreros.

2. What do Gloria Pachon and Villamizar ask of the police?
(a) For protection when they go see Escobar.
(b) To press on the Medellín slums even harder to send a message to Escobar.
(c) An internal investigation to satisfy Escobar.
(d) A month's truce to allow contact with Escobar.

3. Who visits the prison to approve it before Escobar's surrender?
(a) Luis Jorge Pataquiva, the prison director.
(b) Rafael Pardo.
(c) President Gaviria.
(d) Villamizar and the Monkey.

4. What negotiation does Escobar initiate on his own?
(a) He wants Villamizar to represent him as his negotiator with the government in exchange for Maruja's release.
(b) He asks President Gaviria for amnesty for Maruja's and Pacho's release.
(c) He asks don Fabio to speak on his behalf in exchange for money to care for the Ochoa women.
(d) He requests that Hernando publish two texts in exchange for Pacho.

5. Where do the police believe Maruja is located?
(a) Among the jungle farmlands outside of Medellín.
(b) In the city of Bogotá.
(c) Near the border of Ecuador.
(d) In the city of Medellín.

6. In preparation for Beatriz's release, what does Maruja do?
(a) With Damaris' help, get Beatriz flowers as a gift.
(b) With Damaris' help, have a dinner of meat and potatoes instead of lentils.
(c) Dress up and put on make-up for a release celebration.
(d) Ask Beatriz to bring back devised codes for the radio and television.

7. What is the reason for the numerous checkpoints seen around the city as Beatriz is driven to her release point?
(a) The Extraditables bombed numerous police stations.
(b) Bombings by urban guerrillas.
(c) The Cali cartel bombs the area to create confusion for the Extraditables.
(d) Elite Corps efforts to find the abductors.

8. According to the "El Especador," what new demand is Escobar asking for?
(a) A new prisoner director.
(b) Exile of Maza Marquez.
(c) That Villamizar be Escobar's government liaison.
(d) A new Constituent Assembly vote.

9. What do the guards use to hide Pacho's face as they drive to his release point?
(a) A ski mask.
(b) A makeshift hood from an old sweat suit.
(c) A book.
(d) A scarf.

10. What remark does Escobar say about "Colombia Wants Them Back"?
(a) He says he hears them, but they are not factors in the decision.
(b) He finds the program selfish for focusing only on the rich and famous.
(c) He tells the producers the program is useless.
(d) He respects their call for human rights.

11. What dilemma do judges often face in Medellín?
(a) Let a drug trafficker free or allow his family to be killed.
(b) Uphold the law and send family members to prison or quit the position.
(c) Threats to buy into drug traffickers' bribes or be killed.
(d) Comply with a law that allows drug traffickers free or overstep their power and imprison them.

12. What does Alberto personally offer in exchange for Maruja's freedom?
(a) Himself.
(b) A personal talk with President Gaviria.
(c) To support Escobar's family when he goes to prison.
(d) A personal prison in Itagüí.

13. How do Escobar's personal guards view Father Herreros?
(a) They respect him.
(b) They think he is a madman.
(c) They are suspicious of his involvement.
(d) They are split in their opinion of him.

14. When Escobar first begins his business with the drug cartel, how do the people of Medellín view them?
(a) They look at him as their Robin Hood.
(b) With curiosity but complacency.
(c) They are angry at the rise in crime.
(d) They are afraid to say anything.

15. What stops Pacho from considering suicide?
(a) A deep conversation with one of the guards.
(b) A column in "El Tiempo" specifically telling Pacho not to think about it.
(c) A picture of his family in the paper.
(d) Rereading a letter he wrote to his wife while imprisoned.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maruja threaten to do if she does not receive a radio and television?

2. With whom is Escobar trying to make contact in order to negotiate?

3. How does don Fabio receive Villamizar's request for help?

4. What causes Damaris to leave the house?

5. What concerns Escobar when watching "God's Minute"?

(see the answer keys)

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