News of a Kidnapping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of a Kidnapping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Santos family learns Pacho is in the northern part of Bogota. How do they know this?
(a) Hernando's friend recognizes Pacho's voice coming from an abandoned house.
(b) Pacho reads a headline from a local edition newspaper on a minicassette to prove he's alive.
(c) Pacho talks of clues in a minicassette sent to the family to prove he's alive.
(d) Guido Parra slips during a negotiation with the Notables.

2. What does Diana begin to do when she learns her kidnapping is not an isolated event?
(a) She gives up hope.
(b) She tries to get more personal with the head of the household.
(c) She starts a diary.
(d) She gives secret messages to the random women that visit the house.

3. What do the guards mistake Beatriz's profession to be?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A psychotherapist.
(c) A physical therapist.
(d) A doctor.

4. After the Notables negotiation failure, what news does Pardo give Villamizar to have something to look forward to?
(a) President Gaviria is putting more forces to work to help negotiate with Parra.
(b) Another decree is being worked on to amend the first rejected one.
(c) Pardo's department receives a minicassette from Maruja.
(d) Nydia has leads on Escobar is location.

5. How does Diana die?
(a) The kidnappers kill her before they flee during the raid.
(b) An Elite Corps member shoots her after mistaking her as one of Escobar's men.
(c) She is shot and left behind.
(d) From a random gunshot wound to her waist.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is different about Diana and her crew's location compared to the other hostages' hiding places?

2. How does Nydia view President Gaviria?

3. What complaints do the women in the drug traffickers' family have?

4. In what state does Villamizar find Hernando Santos and former president Turbay when he visits them for the first time after Maruja's kidnapping?

5. What major term is Decree 3030 missing that angers Escobar?

(see the answer key)

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