New York Dead Character Descriptions

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

New York Dead Character Descriptions

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the New York Dead Lesson Plans

Stone Barrington

This is the main character in the novel New York Dead.

Sasha Nijinsky

This is the victim in the novel New York Dead.

Cary Hilliard

This attractive woman in her early thirties is a production assistant for Barron Harkness.

Marvin Herbert Van Fleet

This is a failed medical student working as an embalmer at his family's funeral parlor.

Dino Bacchetti

This is Stone Barrington's partner in the NYPD.

Lieutenant Leary

The head of the detective unit and Stone Barrington's boss.

Mrs. Van Fleet

Herbert Van Fleet's mother and the owner of the funeral home where he works.

Scoop Berman

The man who filmed Sasha being loaded into the ambulance, still alive.

Hi Barker

A writer for Vanity Fair.

Barron Harknesss

The anchor of the Continental Network.

Mrs. Vincent

Hank Morgan's neighbor.

Mrs. Ellen Balfour

A woman mistaken for Sasha Nijinsky.

Vincent Delgado

Chief of Detectives for...

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