New Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

New Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bella think she must become a vampire soon?
(a) Because the Volturi are expecting it.
(b) Because she can only do so until she turns 19.
(c) Because she can't bear to be the odd person out anymore.
(d) Because she is afraid of falling in love with Jacob more otherwise.

2. How does Bella get to the Cullen house for the vote on her becoming a vampire?
(a) By having Edward drive her.
(b) By riding on Edward's back.
(c) By stealing Charlie's car.
(d) By taking her truck.

3. What, according to Jacob, are some of the features of a werewolf?
(a) Running as fast as a vampire.
(b) Healing fast.
(c) Having a high temperature.
(d) All of these answers are correct.

4. Where does Edward kiss Bella to calm her after the encounter in the underground chamber?
(a) Her lips.
(b) Her face and hair.
(c) Her hands.
(d) He doesn't kiss her at all for fear of biting her.

5. Who loses his temper and tries to attack Bella as a werewolf?
(a) Sam.
(b) Paul.
(c) Mike.
(d) James.

6. Who rides on the plane to Italy with Bella?
(a) Alice.
(b) Charlie.
(c) No one.
(d) Jacob.

7. Who does Edward confess he has been tracking the entire time he has been gone from Forks?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Victoria.
(c) Bella.
(d) Jacob.

8. Why does Bella storm into the Black house after her dream?
(a) To demand her money back.
(b) To attack Charlie.
(c) To attack Billy.
(d) To warn them that people will be hunting wolves.

9. How many vampires does Alice report are coming back to Forks?
(a) All of them.
(b) Just 2: Alice and Clark.
(c) Just 2: Edward and Dr. Carlisle.
(d) None.

10. Who does Bella confess to Jacob bit her last year?
(a) James.
(b) Laurent.
(c) Lamont.
(d) Veronica.

11. Who protects Bella when she is nearly attacked by a werewolf?
(a) Sam.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Paul.
(d) Edward.

12. What does Bella see as she looks back at the cliff she jumped off of when she is heading home?
(a) Edward.
(b) A pack of werewolves.
(c) A flash of fire.
(d) A witch.

13. What is the one rule that all vampires must follow?
(a) Not to bite anyone under the age of 18.
(b) To only marry and have children with other vampires.
(c) Not to let anyone know about vampires.
(d) Not to bite any innocent people.

14. How do Alice, Edward, and Bella respond to Aro's invitation to join their family?
(a) They are honored.
(b) Bella wants to join but Alice and Edward don't.
(c) They refuse.
(d) Alice wants to join but Edward and Bella don't.

15. How does Harry die?
(a) A bear attack.
(b) A vampire attack.
(c) A heart attack.
(d) A wolf attack.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Sam and the rest of the La Push gang feel about Jacob hanging out with Bella?

2. Whose car is outside of Bella's house when she returns home after hearing of Harry's death?

3. Which colleges do Edward and Bella fill out applications for?

4. Why does Jacob refuse to go into Bella's house as he drops her off after they learn about Harry's death?

5. What does Alice realize Edward's actual first plan is for when he arrives in Italy?

(see the answer keys)

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