Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Oliver say there are miles of in May?
2. How many lines is Prose Poem 1?
3. How is While I Am Writing a Poem to Celebrate Summer, the Meadowlark Begins to Sing formatted?
4. Which of the following does Oliver say she learns from in Mindful?
5. In How Would You Live Then, what does Oliver say gives prayers?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the poet amazed by in Mindful?
2. What does Oliver state she can't wait for at the end of Long Afternoon at the Edge of Sister Pond?
3. What creature is described in Spring, and why?
4. How does Oliver describe the spirit in The Soul At Last?
5. In Grass, what does Oliver say is the most important time of all, and why?
6. In Mindful, where does Oliver say she gets all of her teaching?
7. What does Oliver say we are all helping to build in Song of the Builders?
8. What are the two extremes Oliver describes about her life in Long Afternoon at the Edge of Sister Pond?
9. What does Oliver talk about in Bleeding Heart?
10. In Grass, what does Oliver say nature does?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What are some of the key examples of gratitude in this book, and how are these instances conveyed?
Essay Topic 2
What are some of the main examples of irony from these poems? How do these moments of irony change the tone of those poems?
Essay Topic 3
What role does symbolism play in these poems, and what are some of the major symbols presented?
This section contains 641 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |