Never Fall Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 252 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Never Fall Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 252 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Arn hallucinates, seeing a rabbit as large as he is and this illusion seems to lead the way to Thailand. What color is the rabbit he hallucinates?
(a) Orange.
(b) White.
(c) Brown.
(d) Black.

2. What instructions does Arn's sister give him when he is able to sneak out to see her in the night?
(a) She tells him not to be too brave and to hide from the bullets so she can see him again.
(b) She tells him to ask Sombo if she can join their group as their new rice girl.
(c) She tells him to listen to Sombo and to practice the art of war continually so that he may stay alive.
(d) She tells him to run away and to meet her at the mountain camp where two of their other sisters are living.

3. When his sister kisses Arn's ear, what is NOT something he says the sensation feels like?
(a) Rustling leaves.
(b) Butterfly wings.
(c) Angels.
(d) Heaven.

4. When the radio makes clear that the Vietnamese soldiers really are coming, chaos erupts and many children run away in the melee. Sombo asks Arn why he doesn't run away to find his family. Why does Arn not run away?
(a) He is afraid the soldiers in the next camp will kill his little sister Sophea if he runs away.
(b) He is afraid that the Khmer Rouge will recognize him due to his fame and shoot him for the traitor they will consider him to be.
(c) He realizes that he has no idea why he does not run away; the thought has just never occurred to him.
(d) He now feels so far removed from his biological family that his friends seem much more important to stay close to in this world.

5. When Arn finds Sophea lying motionless, he considers killing her to save her from rape, from murder at another's hands, or from being eaten by wild animals. He doesn't, instead choosing to take what action?
(a) Hide her the best he can.
(b) Keep walking.
(c) Help her into a tree so the animals cannot get her.
(d) Tell Koong to watch over her until she dies and to join up with the group again later.

6. For the first few days in the hospital, Arn is given a certain food to keep him alive. What is that food?
(a) Yogurt.
(b) Powdered milk.
(c) Guava fruit.
(d) Honey.

7. Why does Sombo get mad when he sees Arn dragging his gun behind him due to its great weight?
(a) He says if it knocks against the ground, it could accidentally go off and kill someone.
(b) He says that the gun is Arn's life and that if he loses it, it's like giving the gun to his enemy.
(c) He says that a lack of respect for one's gun shows a lack of respect for oneself.
(d) He says that dragging it on the ground could allow water to get into it and cause the gun to misfire when Arn needs it.

8. What two factions are represented by the radio stations they listen to on Sombo's radio?
(a) Angka and the Voice of America.
(b) The Voice of America and Bangkok.
(c) Vietnam and Cambodia.
(d) The Voice of Thailand and the Khmer Rouge.

9. What happens to cause Arn to say that now "even the earth is our enemy" (126)?
(a) When they bury their dead, the earth expels their bloated bodies.
(b) Vietnamese soldiers leap out of a ditch to attack their group.
(c) The vegetables they plant won't grow.
(d) Their rice girl steps on a land mine and loses her leg.

10. When he is allowed a special privilege by the leader, what does he find himself doing for the first time in three years?
(a) Regretting his poor treatment of Siv when they first met.
(b) Thinking about his mother.
(c) Laughing.
(d) Hoping he'll live a long life.

11. The American man whom Arn at first calls Jesus Monk, later finding out his name is Mr. Pond, takes pity on Arn and gives him medicine to cure what ailment?
(a) Yellow Fever.
(b) Worms.
(c) Dysentery.
(d) Malaria.

12. One time when Sombo's group passes another platoon in the woods, he recognizes that platoon's rice girl. Who is it?
(a) His older sister Chantou.
(b) His older sister Maly.
(c) His little sister Sophea.
(d) His older sister Jorami.

13. What simile does Arn use to describe his sister's appearance when he sees her?
(a) Like a tiny old woman.
(b) Like an overworked horse.
(c) Like a whisper of air.
(d) Like a tired mother.

14. What is the news being reported on the radio when Sombo quickly turns it off to prevent Arn from hearing?
(a) Everyone in Cambodia is fleeing to Thailand to escape the Khmer Rouge.
(b) The rice fields in Cambodia are full of the joyful voices of peasants working in the fields.
(c) The Khmer Rouge have taken over every major city and every small village in Cambodia.
(d) Vietnamese soldiers are coming across the border to take over Cambodia by fighting the Khmer Rouge.

15. What sets Arn apart from the rest of the group and causes his fame to grow by the day?
(a) He plays musical instruments, sings, and dances, all while smiling.
(b) He is more handsome than the other boys in the band.
(c) He never complains about the hours of practice he must endure to master the xylophone.
(d) He is more obedient than the other boys, so the Khmer Rouge reward him by spreading the word about his talents.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the group comes upon a little hidden village and the men beg Sombo and the boys not to hurt them, what does one of the men offer Sombo as a gift?

2. When Sombo takes Arn away from the group, his parting from Kha and Siv is especially hard. What about the separation makes it particularly tough for Arn?

3. What happens the first time Arn plays volleyball?

4. What special food does Arn steal from the leader's house party so that he can share it with Siv and Kha when he returns to camp?

5. Why does Arn save most of the candy Mr. Pond gives him in order to give it to Sojeat and Ravi?

(see the answer keys)

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