Never Fall Down Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 252 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Never Fall Down Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 252 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7-9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Sombo takes Arn away from the group, his parting from Kha and Siv is especially hard. What about the separation makes it particularly tough for Arn?
(a) He has planned to give Kha and Siv his only blanket, but Sombo takes him away before he can do so.
(b) He has planned to learn how to play the xylophone from Kha and how to play soccer from Siv, but now it's too late.
(c) Sombo takes him away without warning, so he does not get to say goodbye to Kha and Siv, who are now like brothers to him.
(d) He has grown over time to hate Sombo, so Kha and Siv are the only friends he has left.

2. Sombo brings his new group to join with another camp composed mainly of true Khmer Rouge kids, not soldiers like Arn who have been held captive and then forced into battle by the Khmer Rouge. What is the main child leader's name within this other group?
(a) Munny.
(b) Phat.
(c) Sig.
(d) Phon.

3. After the first battle when the Little Fish are used by the adult soldiers as bait for the Vietnamese, how many of the original number of boys are left?
(a) 8.
(b) 6.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

4. When the radio makes clear that the Vietnamese soldiers really are coming, chaos erupts and many children run away in the melee. Sombo asks Arn why he doesn't run away to find his family. Why does Arn not run away?
(a) He is afraid that the Khmer Rouge will recognize him due to his fame and shoot him for the traitor they will consider him to be.
(b) He is afraid the soldiers in the next camp will kill his little sister Sophea if he runs away.
(c) He realizes that he has no idea why he does not run away; the thought has just never occurred to him.
(d) He now feels so far removed from his biological family that his friends seem much more important to stay close to in this world.

5. After asking Sombo many times why he is permissive with Arn and overlooks his breaking of the rules, Sombo reveals the reason. What does he say is the reason?
(a) He says that he was an orphan who was forced to steal in order to survive as well.
(b) He says that he knew Arn's father before he was killed and that he feels a responsibility to take care of Arn.
(c) He says that he hates what the Khmer Rouge make him do to punish children who break the rules, so he tries not to turn them in if he can help it.
(d) He says that he has a special affinity for Arn because of his musical talent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Arn's aunt about Arn and Munny seeing the American movie?

2. Once Arn and his group is allowed to stop walking and they form a camp, what two groups do the Khmer Rouge soldiers separate the captives into?

3. What are the two forms of compensation that the news bearer accepts in return for news about the captives' families?

4. When some new children arrive at the camp and one of them refuses to cut her hair, how is she punished?

5. What is the stringed instrument called that Arn learns to play in the band?

(see the answer key)

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