Never Cry Wolf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Never Cry Wolf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do the caribou migrate South?
(a) In September
(b) In December
(c) In October
(d) In November

2. What event finally convinces Mowat that Ootek can understand wolf language?
(a) Ootek learns about approaching friends from the wolves
(b) Ootek uses the wolf's information to find caribou
(c) Ootek tells Mike that the river will be flooding soon
(d) Ootek tells Mowat what time the wolves will return

3. How did Uncle Albert relieve Farley Mowat's boredom during the summer?
(a) He played with the pups
(b) He fought a black bear
(c) He clowned while hunting
(d) He fell in love

4. What sound does Angeline make when she recognizes the visiting wolves?
(a) A howl
(b) A growl
(c) A whine
(d) A bark

5. Mowat is surprised to see what with the wolves?
(a) A dark-gray wolf
(b) Ootek and Mike
(c) Some of Mike's dogs
(d) A pack of foxes

6. Who chases the does and fawns out of the valley?
(a) George
(b) The pups
(c) Angeline
(d) Albert

7. What keeps George from reaching the female Husky?
(a) Mowat fires his gun
(b) Angeline trips him
(c) Albert fights him off
(d) He gets confused

8. What do the wolves do when they see the caribou bucks?
(a) Kill one of them
(b) Run away from them
(c) Try to catch them
(d) Pass on by

9. According to Mike, one of the wolves is:
(a) Angeline's uncle
(b) Angeline's father
(c) Angeline's mother
(d) Angeline's brother

10. From what direction does Ootek claim to hear wolf howls?
(a) North
(b) East
(c) Southwest
(d) South

11. According to Mowat, the ideal size for a wolf traveling band is how many?
(a) Five to ten individuals
(b) Ten to fifteen individuals
(c) One to five individuals
(d) Three to seven individuals

12. What do the caribou do when Mowat appears?
(a) Nothing
(b) Run away
(c) Charge him
(d) Bellow loudly

13. How many strange wolves arrive at the den while George and Albert are hunting?
(a) Five
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Three

14. What study did Mowat take up after losing the Raunkiaer's Circle?
(a) He studied the wolf scats he'd collected
(b) He did a survey on the number of ducks
(c) He compared wolf and dog behavior
(d) He found a dead wolf and dissected it

15. Which piece of equipment did Mowat find surprisingly useful in his study?
(a) The shotgun
(b) The gas mask
(c) The gas grenade
(d) One of the axes

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Ootek, one wolf patriarch lived to be at least how old?

2. What, according to Ootek, are the wolves howling about?

3. Mowat goes to view an alleged slaughter of deer by wolves in what location?

4. What does Mike do when Ootek tells him about the wolves' message?

5. What does Albert try hunting while Mowat watches?

(see the answer keys)

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