The Neon Rain Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Rain Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Didi Gee describe as having "a memory like flypaper"?
(a) Lovelace.
(b) Jimmie.
(c) His mother.
(d) Segura.

2. In Chapter Three, for whom are the three men looking?
(a) Bobby Joe.
(b) Murphy.
(c) Erik.
(d) Fitzpatrick.

3. How many Southern Myths does Dave come up with in Chapter Three?
(a) Eight.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Ten.

4. In Chapter Four, the Latin American restaurant to which Fitzpatrick takes Dave is located where?
(a) Louisiana Ave.
(b) Dauphin Ave.
(c) Bourbon St.
(d) King St.

5. In Chapter Seven, whom does Dave call to harass from the bar?
(a) The Treasury Department.
(b) ATF.
(c) The CIA.
(d) The FBI.

Short Answer Questions

1. The three patrol cars that arrive at Annie's house come from what precinct?

2. What name do the three men in Chapter Three call Dave?

3. Who is the man with the tattoo in Chapter Three?

4. In Chapter Two, who says, "you're in over your head"?

5. What information does Dave trick from Fitzpatrick's supervisor about Abshire.

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Cletus' marital problems.

2. Describe Johnny Messina in Chapter One.

3. What jobs did the Robicheaux brothers have in their youth?

4. When and how does the reader first find out about Dave's time in Vietnam?

5. Dave sometimes thinks of whom as his "father's misplaced seed"?

6. Why is Fitzpatrick angry with Dave in Chapter Five?

7. What does Dave learn about his partner from Julio Segura?

8. What clues make Dave suspicious of the Cataouatche Parish sheriff?

9. How does Cletus respond when Dave confronts him about provoking the situation with Segura and his man?

10. Describe Cletus Purcel.

(see the answer keys)

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