The Neon Rain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Rain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom does Dave initially go for information about finding Bobby Joe Starkweather?
(a) Jimmie.
(b) Wesley Potts.
(c) Segura's driver.
(d) Didi Gee.

2. Whom does Didi Gee describe as having "a memory like flypaper"?
(a) His mother.
(b) Lovelace.
(c) Segura.
(d) Jimmie.

3. In Chapter Seven, what lesson does Dave recall from Vietnam?
(a) Do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
(b) Do not go anywhere without a gun.
(c) Never trust authority.
(d) Never trust anyone.

4. In what neighborhood does Annie live?
(a) French Quarter.
(b) Audubon Park.
(c) West Bank.
(d) Garden District.

5. Who is Gail Lopez?
(a) A cop at the First District.
(b) A Mexican dancer who might be a witness.
(c) A member of Annie's quartet.
(d) Segura's girlfriend.

6. When Dave leaves Annie on his houseboat in Chapter Six, where does he go and what does he do?
(a) Dave goes to the morgue for information about Fitzpatrick.
(b) Dave goes to a bar near an amusement park to get drunk.
(c) Dave visits Cletus and ask him for help in getting Murphy.
(d) Dave visits Captain Guidry for advice.

7. What newspaper does Dave buy in Chapter One?
(a) "Morning News."
(b) "Times-Picayune."
(c) "Post."
(d) "Times Herald."

8. What color are Annie's eyes?
(a) Gray.
(b) Brown.
(c) Blue.
(d) Green.

9. Who asks Dave and Cletus if they "salted the mine shaft"?
(a) Sergeant Motley.
(b) Captain Guidry.
(c) Wineburger.
(d) Fitzpatrick.

10. Whom does Johnny describe as a "mummy wrapped in black rags"?
(a) Mama Giacanao.
(b) Jimmy Robicheaux.
(c) Didoni Giacano.
(d) Wesley Potts.

11. What drug do Murphy's men use to knock Dave out?
(a) Haldol.
(b) Demoral.
(c) Valium.
(d) Thorazine.

12. What is Dave drinking while he waits for Fitzpatrick to pick him up in Chapter Five?
(a) Jax beer.
(b) Perrier with lemon.
(c) Dr. Pepper with a slice of lime.
(d) Vanilla coke.

13. How many Southern Myths does Dave come up with in Chapter Three?
(a) Eight.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Ten.

14. On what street does Dave park his car when they visit Wesley Potts?
(a) Chartres.
(b) Bourbon.
(c) Decatur.
(d) Royal.

15. What work had Dave's father done on Marsh Island?
(a) He worked on oil rigs.
(b) He was unemployed.
(c) He worked as a trapper.
(d) He was a bouree dealer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to the 17-year-old runaway in Dave's case file?

2. Who says that Wesley Potts "fronts points for the greasers"?

3. What is is blaring from the maroon car that Dave flags down in Chapter Two?

4. To whom is Cletus' wife sending their money?

5. In Chapter Two, who says, "you're in over your head"?

(see the answer keys)

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