The Neon Rain Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Rain Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dave Robicheaux

This character is a Cajun detective with the New Orleans Police Department who has a streak of white hair due to malnutrition.

Cletus Purcel

This character is a detective with the New Orleans Police Department with an unhappy marriage and a drinking problem.

Philip Murphy

This character is the leader of a group who is trying to get rid of the Cajun detective, but is actually a drug-addicted CIA agent.

Johnny Massina

This character is a convict on death row. Having operated as a snitch in the past, this character tells the Cajun detective that people are planning to kill the detective.

Julio Segura

This character is originally from Nicaragua and now runs prostitutes and drugs in New Orleans.

Didi Gee

This character is a New Orleans mobster who is friends with the brother of the Cajun detective.

Wesley Potts

This character is an employee of...

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