Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What was the author doing when the seed for this book was planted in his mind?
2. How did Nerburn feel when he was among the Indians?
3. Why did the Lakota Elder want to talk with Nerburn?
4. According to Dan, the Creator love the smell of what?
5. What is the lie of the good man, according to Dan?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who was the white lady Grover mentioned and what had she wanted to do?
2. Why did Kent Nerburn want to write this book?
3. Dan asked Nerburn to read one of the papers he had written using the Elder's notes and clippings. Describe that paper.
4. Who passed Grover as he drove 45 mph on the trip they were taking?
5. What was in the shoe boxes Dan gave Nerburn?
6. Describe Grover.
7. Where was Nerburn sitting in Grover's Buick on the trip he took with Grover and Dan and what was he doing?
8. What was Grover's answer when Dan asked him why he didn't have any junk cars in his yard and what was he referring to?
9. By what means did white men attempt to exterminate the Indians?
10. Describe Dan's house.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Choose two of these three topics:
1) Describe the Hippie family they saw at the truck stop. What indicated they were "Wannabes"? Why did they make Dan nervous but not Grover?
2) Which group, the HIppies or the Yuppies, did Dan dislike more? Why?
3) When the three were on the road again, what was it that Dan and Grover did that brought Nerburn to tears? To what did he compare it in his past?
Essay Topic 2
Choose two of these three topics:
1) Write about the silence of Indians vs the talkativeness of white people. Which do you think is better? Why?
2) What explanation did Dan give Nerburn for the junk lying out in front of the Indian village houses?
3) How do Indians and White people view possessions differently?
Essay Topic 3
Choose two of these three topics:
1) What did Dan say about Indians who sell sacred objects of their people?
2) Describe the grassy field where the Pow Wow was going to be held and what was on it.
3) How did being in the Navy influence Grover?
This section contains 848 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |