Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Nerburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Nerburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what kind of vehicle was the Hippie family traveling?
(a) An old van with an Indian scene painted on its side.
(b) An old station wagon with a dream-catcher hangin in it.
(c) A blue Volkswagen.
(d) A green school bus with red curtains.

2. What did Dan's Indian friends call Nerburn?
(a) Grizzly Adams.
(b) City boy.
(c) Intruder.
(d) White man.

3. What color hatband was on Grover's cowboy hat?
(a) Green.
(b) Navy blue.
(c) Turquoise.
(d) Red.

4. What did Nerburn buy at the local store before proceeding to the old Indian's house?
(a) A pack of Prince Albert tobacco.
(b) A pack of chewing gum.
(c) A candy bar.
(d) A soda.

5. What did the Lakota people call the Creator?
(a) The Great Spirit.
(b) Walka Tenken.
(c) Wakan Tanka.
(d) Watiki Tokan.

6. What was the author doing when the seed for this book was planted in his mind?
(a) Sitting on his front porch watching the sun set.
(b) Re-reading the other books he had written about Indians.
(c) Riding his motorcycle across North Dakota in August.
(d) Day-dreaming about Indians and their values.

7. What drug did Nerburn take in the sixties that mimicked the experience Dan had listening to the dead?
(a) Speed.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) LSD.
(d) Peyote.

8. What sentence, according to Nerburn, sums up America?
(a) "We are the land of the free."
(b) "What's in it for me?"
(c) "We are number one."
(d) "From sea to shining sea."

9. Why did the woman from New York say the Red Road books were not helpful in finding out about the Indians?
(a) She didn't trust a book written by a white man.
(b) She didn't care to learn the truth about the Lakota people.
(c) The Indians sounded "flat and uninteresting" in the books.
(d) The Indians in the book weren't like the "movie Indians."

10. What kind of horses were all the Indians in the television cowboy movie riding?
(a) Palominos.
(b) Wild horses.
(c) Pintos.
(d) Black horses.

11. What did Dan particularly not like about Hippies?
(a) That they took drugs.
(b) The Hippie hand shake.
(c) That they practiced free love.
(d) Their bad manners.

12. Who was in "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show" for awhile?
(a) A Navajo medicine man.
(b) Lakota elders.
(c) Black Elk.
(d) Sitting Bull.

13. What was outside of the Old Indian's house?
(a) Two cars, one on blocks.
(b) A large Cadillac.
(c) An outhouse.
(d) A small vegetable garden.

14. Why didn't Nerburn play cards?
(a) He disapproved of playing cards.
(b) He felt it led to gambling.
(c) He had never learned how to play.
(d) He thought it was a waste of time.

15. What did the guys in Grover's unit call him when he was in Korea?
(a) Red man.
(b) Chief.
(c) Lakota.
(d) Indian.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what college did Dan's grandson graduate?

2. Why did Dan feel it was stupid to be called an Indian?

3. What was Grover doing when Dan and Nerburn came to visit him?

4. What was inside the three-sided wooden structure Nerburn came across on his motorcycle trip?

5. What did the Indians feel the Creator disapproved of that the white man did?

(see the answer keys)

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