Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder Character Descriptions

Kent Nerburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder Character Descriptions

Kent Nerburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder Lesson Plans


This is the old Indian elder who represents communal knowledge, history and understanding of the Lakota Indians. He is the subject of this book and narrates his story, thoughts, ideas and feelings to Kent Nerburn.

Kent Nerburn

This is the name of the author and narrator of this book. He wrote other books under the name Red Road about Indian history years earlier.


This is the name of an Indian, a generation younger than Dan, who watched over his aging friend.


This is the name of Dan's granddaughter and the sister of Danelle. She stayed home to help Dan with his cooking, housekeeping and other needs. She made the first call to Nerburn and was the woman with an Indian accent who told him her grandfather wanted to talk with him.


This is the name of the four hundred pound garage mechanic who fixed...

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